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  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month are: Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Hotchick, Scahl, Shortie, Spellcheck, Quixxie, Valkeryie & Visren (Abractus). Congratulations to our nominees and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.


  • The  person with the most votes is Abractus, aka Visren. What does this ret paladin mean to us? Let us spell it out:


V -- is for very talented musician and tattoo artist! 
I -- is for intelligent; do not listen to his self-deprecating humour!
S -- is for self-reflective and humble!
R -- is for ret pally. He is topping the charts, but doesn't rest upon his numbers. He is very dedicated, and is always pushing the limits!
-- is for earnest, caring, authentic human being!
N -- is for nice guy -- which is his best quality!

  • Visren, we are so glad to have you back in Azeroth. Thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Abractus, Aeglos, Anicetus, Articsnow, Erick, Grymmhain, Hotchick, Lionarr, Optimusprime, Perseffonee, Quixxie, Scahl, Shortie, Spellcheck & Yesmin! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Scahl! Congratulations! Scahl is a relatively new member to CRD, and the fact that he has won Guildie of the Month is a testament to his supportive personality, and the reasons why we like him! What are those reasons? Let us spell it out ... what does S.C.A.H.L. mean to us:


S -- is for super! Plain and simple. He is a super guy!

C -- is for critical thinker. Whether it is parsing through the logs or reflecting upon his performance, he is a critical thinker, pays attention to the details, and always brings his A-Game. He is observant, asks questions, well-read, and has an intellectual curiosity for anything that offers a challenge!

A -- is for avid runner and basketball player -- hobbies which he has passed down to his 16 year old twins!

H -- is for humble. Scahl not only strives for excellence, but is also humble. We are blessed to have found such a rare combination!

L -- is for long-time WoW player. Back in the day, Scahl was a mythic raider, so he brings to CRD a wealth of experience and knowledge, so I deeply hope he remains a "long-time" guildie!


  • Thank you Scahl for all you do! And P.S. -- Happy Birthday! Pers.


  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Abractus, Beeswar, Desetraz, Erick, Haedrath, Harima, Katrazand, Komrash, Kylgore, Odasa, OptimusPrime, Perseffonee, Scahl, Spellcheck & Quixxie! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!


  • The person with the most votes is OptimusPrime! Congratulations Opti! For those who do not know Opti, I assure you, there is more than meets the eye. Let me explain:


In the heart of battle, a Deathknight stands tall,

With a love for Transformers -- Autobots Assemble -- he answers the call.

A master mechanic, with hands strong and skilled,

He breathes life into engines, his passion fulfilled.


Guiding us through Black Temple and the challenges within,

Reliable and dependable, a leader among peers, he always jumps in.

A father of three, with loving wisdom, he is a dad like no other,

And a beloved nephew, who will fix Shortie's car and backfiring muffler.


His humour is witty, dry, and sly,

In the toughest of moments, he lifts spirits high.

Hands of mechanical strength, and a heart made of gold,

OptimusPrime, your legacy will never rust, tarnish or grow old.


  • Thank you Opti for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Aeglos, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Odasa, Perseffonee, Quxxie, Spellcheck & Tech! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.

  • The person with the most votes is Aeglos! Congratulations! What does Aeglos mean to CRD ... well it is time for another acrostic poem:

    • Armored in resolve, and topping the charts with DPS strong, but

    • Ever-willing to change specs, proving he had tank skills all along.

    • Guide and protector, with wisdom of "tips and tricks" to share,

    • Leading the charge, with a calm personality and steady air.

    • Oblivion's frost in his veins, yet heart full of light,

    • Supporting his guildmates, and coming prepared for every fight.

  • Thank you Aeglos for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Desetraz, Erick, Gazrok, Gnazz, Odasa, Perseffonee, Quixxie, Spellcheck, Squab & Yesmin. Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.

  • The person with the most votes is Yesmin. Congratulations! Yesmin mains a Holy Priest, which is fitting, as it aptly characterizes her personality, She truly radiates a circle of healing; possessing a warmth and grace that is felt by those around her. In RL, her healing light shines as a devoted mother. In Azeroth, her healing light quite literally keeps us alive. Whether a devoted mother or supportive guildmate -- along with her serenading accent -- there is something truly angelic about Yesmin.

Y -- your circle of healing, a healing light

E -- ever present in Azeroth or RL

S -- selfless in service, for keystones or raid night

M -- motherly heart, like a guiding light

I -- in every battle you keep us alive

N -- nurturing presence and your purple parses all help make CRD thrive

  • Thank you Yesmin for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Desetraz, Erick, Foxxylady, Gnazz, Grymmhain, Khazzra, Odasa, Perseffonee, Quixxie, Savvy, Scahl, Shortie & Thundoor's Headless Horseman. Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Quixxie! Congratulations Quixxie. Not only is he a challenge to beat on the healing meters, but the "Xs" in his name will pose a challenge in an acrostic poem. Wish me luck!


Quietly wielding holy light's embrace,

Uplifting allies with your healing grace.


In combat logs, your numbers I chase,

Xtraordinary parses, with your Shadowed Inferno mace.

Xenial paladin, mastering the art,

Illuminating darkness, healing every part.

Empowered by light, a beacon in your heart,

Congratulations Quixxie, please never depart.


  • But seriously, your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. We sincerely thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Arcticsnow, Blace, Desetraz, Erick, Foxxylady, Grymmhain, Inwe, Khazzra, Odasa, Perseffonee, Shortie & Quixxie! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Snow -- our beloved little foxy superstar! She is a superstar; what more can I say about Snow?

    • S -- Second-time recipient of Guildie of the Month, which speaks volumes about her dedication and commitment to this guild!

    • N -- Nilak; she is also a superstar healer!

    • O -- Outstanding effort in everything she does; she has become a perfectionist with her tanking skills!

    • W -- Willing; always willing to help a guildie, with anything that needs to be done!


  • Thank you Snow for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick (and something about a "migiddy" lol), Foxxylady, Gnazz, Grymmhain, Haedrath, Harima, Kaluan, Khazzra, Shortie, Spellcheck, Squab & Tech! Congratulations to our nominees. Another impressive list that reinforces the supportive community we have at CRD!

  • The person with the most votes is Grymmhain. Congratulations! Despite being a relatively new guildie, he has become an active member of our community. Whether in our keystone community, raiding community, or old-school community -- Grymm is there! And when he is "chilling" in Discord or doing laps around the Valdrakken fountain, we meet up at the "office watercooler" and reminisce about the good-old-days in ICC, or share 1990s movie references! Congratulations Grymm! We are glad to have you, and hope you have found an online home here at CRD! Pers.



  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Aeglos, Allohomora, Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Beeswar (and his swap-blaster), Erick, Foxxylady, Haedrath, Odasa, Perseffonee, Spellcheck & Squab! Congratulations to the nominees! Another lengthy list that is representative of our supportive community.


  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Congratulations! Odasa is one of our long-standing members in CRD! Through the ebb and flow of multiple expansions, he has always remained an active member of this community. From crafting gear, holding raid lockouts, running LFR just to keep a guildmate company ... to most recently running a crazy amount of Keys, and providing enormous support to those grinding their legendary axe, Odasa's loyalty and dedication has stood the test of time. And then his humble nature would prevent me from telling you all the supportive gestures he makes behind the scenes, from random acts of kindness to guild donations. Thank you Odasa for all you do. Pers.


  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus (I think Ani has a secret admirer lol), Erick & Perseffonee! And there is one more nominee ... so let's play, "Guess the Guildie of the Month"
    1. Lives in a place where 6 inches of snow melts over night!
    2. Is a Raiders fan!
    3. But doesn't live in Las Vegas!
    4. Was a great help with Shortie's Aberrus Achievement Run!
    5. Transferred from a different server to join our guild!
    6. Brings the deeps!
    7. Has a calm and respectful raiding temperament!
    8. And is Hotchick's brother-from-another-mother! 

  • The winner is ... you guessed it ... Foxxylady! Congratulations Foxxy! Thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Aeglos, Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Darvan, Erick, Khazzra, Thundoor and his Headless Horseman mount, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Sabrieleth & Squab! Congratulations folks! And a special thank you to those who took the time to vote! The person with the most votes is ...

  • When nominating her, someone said, "The squinty-chicken-eye gif lady." She needs no introduction! Her .gif precedes her lol! And for those who do not know the lady behind the "chicken .gif", Gnazz has kindly spelled-it-out for us:


S - Scripts - her interrupts are so quick that they must be scripts! Wonder why mobs never cast around her? Superior script technology!

Q - Quixotic - the only word for how she pulls. They are so big in M+ that she makes it look easy. It would be insanity for the rest of us, but she just lives!

U - Unselfish - she is always willing to teach or help. Unless it is a trinket she wants then it gets real!

A - Amiable - always cheerful and brings the laughs. Hard to have a dull time with Squab around!

B - Banzai - the way she pulls. Seriously. Healers beware of bursting weeks!


  • Bwahaha! But seriously though, Squab thank you for all you do! It is official. You will forever be remembered as "the squinty-chicken-eye gif lady" lol. Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Aeglos, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Gaeila, Gnazz, Harima, Haedrath, Hotchick, Khazzra, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Sabrieleth, Shortie, Spellcheck, Squab & Teli. From Snow's Secret Santa to late-night Keystone Blitzes, the festive holiday was still a flurry of activity for our CRD community. Congratulations to the nominees, and everyone's collective effort to spread holiday cheer, laughter and support last month!


  • The person with the most votes is Khazzra, one of our cherished members! ... and for those who may not know Khazzra, let me spell-it-out:

K – Kindhearted – he purchased the "Epic" expansion to be raffled-off as a New Year's Eve prize for a lucky guildmate!

H – Happy – with his DM memes or thoughtful messages, he always tries to make others happy and put a smile on their faces!

A – Awesome – all around awesome guy!

– Zillion – over the years, he has donated a zillion mats for cauldrons and feasts!

Z – Zipping – despite Doctor's orders to take it easy, he was still zipping about after his back surgery!

R – Ret Pally – he is rock'n the ret pally! And to think he was worried about playing a DPS spec!

A – A-game – always does his homework and brings his A-game to raid!


  • And that is why Khazzra is a cherished member of CRD! Pers.


  • The nominees for November’s Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Gaelia, Gnazz, Harima, Hotchick, Ira, Khazzra, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Queldraayan, Revodak, Spellbane & Spellcheck, along with another mysterious “Headless Horseman” nomination lol. Congratulations to the many nominees – another testament to our extraordinary and supportive community.


  • The person with the most votes is Spellbane! Congratulations. One of Spellbane’s most admirable qualities is that he delivers! Not only because he works in the Postal Service, but because he delivers on a job always well done! He is a perfectionist, and does not get easily discouraged: He is a patient fisherman! His house renovations and Mastercraft workmanship is perfection! And last Season when his mage was nerfed, he did not get discouraged. He persisted and persevered, and now he is rocking the DPS! And so when we say he delivers, it is this kind of work ethic that we admire! Spellbane, we are so glad you arrived at our doorstep! So thank you for all your hard work. Pers.


  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Hotchick, Queldraayan, Revodak, Savvy, Shortie, Spellbane & Squab. ... along with a few honourable mentions, and I quote:

    • "Erick (the nice one not the mean one)"

    • "Hakuna Pauhana Erick the mana-bahana-rana. He is da-man"

    • "The Headless Horseman for giving his reins to Thundoor"

  • As always the votes are anonymous, so whoever is providing a little context to their nominations, thank you for the chuckle lol! Congratulations to all our nominees.

  • The person with the most votes is Revodak! Congratulations! Back in the day, during BC, Revodak was a high-end raider, so he may be new to CRD, but he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our guild and raid team, along with his calm and jovial demeaner -- the right amount of focus and humor that every raid team needs! He also brings with him his beloved Sabrieleth, a match made in Azeroth through another CRD guildie, Ira. And since he is an avid baseball fan, I hope he knows we consider him a pretty good catch! Thank you Aeglos for recruiting him, we definitely struck a homerun! Revodak, we hope you consider us your online home-plate. Thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • Moriarty, Jesmarie and Jinnatta our thoughts and prayers are with you. In loving memory of Carlos. Pers.


  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Kyl, Lax, Queldraayan, Shortie, Spellbane & Spellcheck! Congratulations to our nominees. Another impressive list representative of our extraordinary community at CRD!

  • The person with the most votes is Arcticsnow. Congratulations Snow! We are so proud of her progress. Her hard work has not gone unnoticed. She has grown from a shy young lady who barely spoke in Discord to a confident tank who grabs her "adult beverage" and is tanking Alt Raid and 13+ Keystones! ... And now participating in a "Snow vs Squab M+ Race!" So behind her cute "giggle" is a warrior who is heroic leaping herself into our hearts and community! Well done Snow! Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Anicetus, Arcticsnow, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Kyl, Perseffonee, Queldraayan, Spellcheck & Thundoor! Congratulations to our nominees! Another testament to CRD's supportive community!


  • The person with the most votes is ... time to play "Guess that Guildie!" ...

1. He is our resident celebrity, starred in a commercial when he was younger!
2. He is always "Ready Freddy" and prepared for raid time!
3. Has a great laugh, and brings the jokes!
4. He finally has "boots that are made for walking"! 
5. Brother to another cool dude in the guild!
6. Often heard quoting song lyrics and movie lines during raid!
7. Won gold for singing LL Cool J's "I Need Love"!

  • That's right! ... It's Kyl! Congratulations! We appreciate your supportive, fun-loving, and team-player attitude you bring to the guild! Last weekend you wanted to "report a crime", due to the fun shenanigans during raid. The only crime I would like to report is that you did not join our guild sooner <3. Kyl, thank you for being you! Pers.


  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Anicetus, Bael, Beeswar, Desetraz, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Inwe, Khazzra, Lionarr, Nodiggity, Savvy, Shortie, Spellbane, Spellcheck, Slavco, Rhasalgul and "the fish Pers caught in the lake" lol. Congratulations to the nominees! And another special thank you to those who take the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Haedrath, which should come as no surprise, and is long overdue for this recognition! This dashing dragon means a lot to CRD!


H -- Haed-isms! We often find ourselves using "Haed-isms" in RL!

A -- Always willing to help and do, "Whatever is clever!"

E -- Encouraging, "We did it!"
D -- Dragon or DK, he always brings the deeps, "My parses!" 
R -- Ready-check ... 4, 3, 2 ... who pulled? lol
A -- An altruistic amigo!
T -- Trusted resource for all things WoW!
H -- Huggable and hilarious guildmate!

  • Thank you Haedrath for all you do! This community would not be the same without you! Pers.


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Addy, Anicetus <who voted for this joker, again lol>, Bael, Beeswar, Beeswar's Swap-blaster <lol>, Blace, Desetraz, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Khazzra, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Rhasalgul, Shorty, Spellcheck, Squab & Thundoor! Congratulations to our nominees; another robust list that testifies to the supportive community at CRD!


  • The person with the most votes is Addy! Congratulations! Addy is relatively new to CRD, but has quickly become an active member of our community. Not only does he and his "window lickers" bring the deeps, he provides dinner with a show; feeding us his lock cookies, and entertaining us with his quippy macros! But most importantly, his dedication, humility, and supportive personality are his most valued attributes! We are so grateful he chose us! Thank you Addy for all you do! Pers.



  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus (who voted for this guy lol), Bael, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Hotchick, Inwe, Jerjer, Lionarr, Neatheux, Nodiggity, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Slavo, Spellcheck & Thealin! Congratulations to our nominees! We appreciate everyone's effort in making CRD an extraordinary community of people!


  • The person with the most votes is Lionarr! He is one of our wonderful warlocks with a whopping 2600+ score; often seen posting in Guild Chat his 28+ Underrot saying, "Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" lol. But no Keystone is too little or too big, as he is always available and willing to support his fellow guildmates. In preparing for Heroic Aberrus, he was an avid supporter in reaching out and helping everyone reach 1000+ score. Not only does he bring the deeps, cookies and lockgates lol, but he brings a supportive and fun energy to any event -- "Weeeee did it!" :). Thank you Lionarr for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Hoochie, Harima, Hotchick, JerJer, Khazzra, Laxus, Lionarr, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Savvy, Shortie, Spellcheck, Squab, Synth & Zentaur! The number of names on this list is another testament to the supportive community at CRD! In the 11th hour to earn AoTC, this guild came together, as always, to offer support -- helping folks with their rotation, running Keys, crafting gear, and even offering their shoulder to cry upon. CRD is a special place, and I never take for granted the privilege of being a part of this guild! 

  • The person with the most votes is Pyrite. Pyrite is one of the tricksters we have in guild. During the raid, he is "spinning the dragon" ... at the end of raid, our bags are filled with hot potatoes! But most importantly, before raid, he is crafting lariats and gems for his guildmates, and agreeing to fill-in as tank when needed! So whether it is before, during, or after raid, Pyrite is a valued member of this guild! Congratulations Pyrite, and thank you for all you do! 


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Harima, Hotchick, Khazzra, Lionarr, Neatheux, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Shortie, Spellcheck & Queldraayan! Congratulations to the nominees and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! 

  • The person with the most votes is Queldraayan! Quel is relatively new to the guild, but after running 60+ Timewalkers with the guild, his initiation is definitively over! He is an alt-aholic, and is willing to hop on any toon to help a guildie! His analytical thinking and tanking skills makes him an asset to any team! And even outside of Azeroth he brings the DPS because he master crafts LARP weapons and armor! Unfortunately, however, I am told he is a Boston/Patriots fan, but despite his flaws, we still consider him a part of the family LOL :). Congratulations Quel! Thank you for all you do! Pers.



  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Beeswar, Crave, Erick, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Hoochie, Hotchick, Lunapollo, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Shortie & Spellcheck! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Lunapollo! Congratulations! Your dedication and hard work are not going unnoticed! When Erick needed a tank for his Alt Raid, you worked hard to level your druid! When more people are needed for Keys or LFR, you're always willing to help! And you've been working hard to level your dragon for progression! Thank you for all you! You are a valuable member of this guild! Pers.



  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Ashen, Bael, Beeswar, Budsknight, Erick, Hoochie, Inwe, Khazzra, Lax, Odasa, Perseffonee, Spellcheck, Stonelegs & Yesmin! Another impressive list that represents the extraordinary community at CRD! Congrats to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Spellcheck! Not only has he won Guildie of the Month, but he frequently wins Moriarty's cutest warlock title. Spellcheck is one of the nicest people on the planet -- and on Azeroth! When he is online, he is rock'n the warlock, baking his <laxative> lock-rocks, and crack'n the jokes! When he is offline, he is rock'n those school papers, and baking something delicious for Ealryc! Everything he does, he does with love and hard work! Thank you Spellcheck for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month are: Bael, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Harima, Laxus, Moriarty, Morogarr, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Spellcheck, Stonelegs, Squab & Thealin! That is an impressive list of people! Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote. With the launch of any expansion, it's exciting to witness, not only the renewed activity, but how everyone comes together to support each other. The names on this list, but not limited to, have:

  • played morning and night to max-level, and then became a resource for others;

  • quickly maxed their professions, so they can offer gems, enchants & crafted gear to their guildmates;

  • herbed and fished for HOURS, to earn feasts, flasks and cauldron recipes in preparation for raid progression;

  • researched tips/strategies to help others;

  • helped guildmates earn last-minute achievements before the launch of Dragonflight;

  • donated money to maintain our Discord status;

  • helped gear-up guildmates by running Keys & LFR;

  • gifted timecards & mounts to fellow guildies;

  • promoted joy and laughter in Discord, ensuring CRD remains our sanctuary away from RL;

  • and to the other kind gestures that wish to remain anonymous, but never go unnoticed or appreciated.

  • ^^ these acts of kindness and support occurred in a single month; this is who we are, and I am deeply grateful and proud of everyone's efforts! Among this extraordinary community of people is the nominee with the most votes! Congratulations Moriarty! Whether it's your "lucky rabbit's foot" or Yesmin's "PI" or just plain talent ... you bring your expertise and A-Game to every guild event! Thank you Moriarty for being a part of all the efforts that go into making this guild a special place! Pers.


  • The nominees for November’s Guildie of the Month are: Bael, Beeswar, Ealryc, Erick, Gnazz, Inwe, Laxus, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Spellcheck & Stonelegs! Congratulations to all the nominees, and thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is our new guildie, Laxus! Congratulations! Despite the time difference, Laxus has displayed a concerted effort in becoming an active member of our community. He has ran dungeons with the guild, and even LFR, working hard in both leveling and gearing up! And when I informed him he was our Guildie of the Month, he was both surprised and honoured, and shared that he just likes to help out when he can! So thank you Laxus! We are pleased you have chosen us as your online home! We look forward to getting to know you! Pers.


  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Beeswar, Erick, Haedrath, Harima, Inwe, Khazzra, Moriarty & Perseffonee. Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.

  • The person with the most votes is Inwe! Congratulations Inwe! The last time she won Guildie of the Month, I called her a superwoman, so for those who do not know Inwe, her history with the guild is worth repeating:

    • 🦸‍♀️She is a "super" mom -- she has five children. FIVE! Need I say more!

    • 🦸‍♀️She is a "super" druid healer; she always brings her A-Game; researches the fights; comes prepared, and has been a dependable member of our raid progression team for years! Even at 9 months pregnant, she raided! After giving birth, she raided! While breastfeeding with one arm, she kept the raid team alive with the other!

    • 🦸‍♀️She is a "super" guild member -- fiercely loyal and dedicated member; always supportive and willing to help her guildmates.

    • 🦸‍♀️She is a "super" human being -- always kind and thoughtful; advocating for RL causes that place the needs of others before herself.

    • 🦸‍♀️She is a "super" hero. She is the constant, during the ebb and flow of each expansion -- constantly present, constantly positive, constantly devoted, and constantly "saving the day" with her heals.


  • See! She is a superwoman. Thank you Inwe for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for September’s Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Beeswar, Erick, Gnazz, Harima, Hotchick, Neatheux, Odasa, Pyrite, Raeyn, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Trenchfoot & Queldraayan. Another impressive list of individuals who consistently work hard in making CRD our online home and sanctuary. Thank you to our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.

  • The person with the most votes is Gnazz! Congratulations! In the short-time he has been with us, Gnazz has now won Guildie of the Month twice, which serves as a testament to his supportive personality, and the reasons why we like him! What are those reasons? Let us spell it out lol!

    • G is for Great. Plain and simple. He is a GREAT guy!

    • N is for Nirvana. With his calm raiding temperament, he brings peace and comfort to everyone around him.

    • A is for “A-Game” … from Mythics to Progression, he always does his homework and brings his A-GAME!

    • Z is for Zillion. When I first met Gnazz, he assured me he does not easily get discouraged. And he is right! Even after a ZILLION attempts, he consistently remains positive and determined!

    • Z is for Zillion, again. We believe he is truly one in a ZILLION, and CRD is fortunate to have him a part of the guild.


  • Thank you Gnazz for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Bael, Erick, Gnazz, Inwe, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Spellcheck, Squab & Thealin. Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.

  • The person with the most votes is Neatheux! Congratulations! Neatheux is the other trickster in the guild. He is Pyrite's partner in crime, and as Erick affectionately calls them, "The Knuckleheads" lol :). But despite finding 27 Goblin Hot Potatoes, 43 Happy Fun Spheres and a Zeppelin in my bags ... courtesy of Neatheux, I know he is a reliable and dedicated member of this guild. What I did not know about Neatheux is that he is a vegetarian who mostly enjoys French-fries, waffles, and tea! So pour ourselves a cup of tea, and raise our glasses to Neatheux! Thank you for all you do!


  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Beeswar, Erick, Gabridas, Gnazz, Haedrath, Harima, Hotchick, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Shortie & Synther. Congratulations to all our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Pyrite! Congratulations! Pyrite is an active member of our community -- running Keystones; agreeing to tank Friday's raid night; farming consumables for raid progression; and crafting Vantus Runes for AoTC (or was that Neatheux ... lol) -- which leads me to my next point. He and Neatheux are the Bobbsey twins of the guild. "Alright, ... who gave me 27 Goblin Hot Potatoes? ... either Pyrite or Neatheux!" He is a trickster! But he is also dedicated and dependable. Through sunstroke, exhaustion, or nearly slicing his finger off, nothing deters him from attending raid night! Thank you Pyrite for all you do!


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Gnazz, Harima, Naelyn, Neatheux, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Squab, Vadailla, Vanddoria & Zabrn! Congratulations to our nominees!

  • The person with the most votes is Gnazz! Congratulations! Gnazz is one of our newest members to CRD. But in the short time he's been with us, we've noticed a few things!

    • He is an active member of our community. He attends LFR, Keystones, Alt Raid and SotFO Progression; and has donated feasts to support our raid progression.

    • He comes prepared. It is evident he knows his class; does his homework; and researches the fight mechanics. And he knows his math! -- I remember one moment during our Heroic Halondrus encounter, he recalculated, on the fly, the difference in the boss' health to reflect one less player in the group ... like holy doodle!

    • He is dedicated! From zero to 2500, he earned his KSM in a few weeks!

    • As described in our Officer meeting, "Gnazz's voice and personality are like comfort food." His calm and pleasant demeanor makes everyone around him feel comfortable :).

  • Thank you Gnazz for choosing us! We feel very fortunate to have you in our guild! Pers.


  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Ayrn, Beeswar, Erick (Vadailla), Harima, Khazzra, Kistaminosh, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Pyrite, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Shortie & Thealin! Congratulations to the nominees! Another impressive list of people characterizing our supportive and caring community!

  • The person with the most votes is Harima! Congratulations! Harima is one of our veteran members who consistently shows loyalty and dedication throughout the ebb and flow of each expansion. He is a valued member of this community, and each letter of his name represents his contribution to CRD!

H -- Happy to help -- From running dungeons to completing questlines, Harima is always happy to help a guildmate!
A -- Author -- He is our resident author! Check-out the first three chapters of his novel, **Fall of Light **, on our website!
R -- Reliable -- From running dungeons to raid progression, he is a reliable member of the team. He comes prepared, does his homework, and brings his A-Game!
I -- Initiative -- From agreeing to tank progression; providing the raid team with cauldrons and feasts; researching strategies and exploring alternative ideas to promote raid progression; and even willing to write boss strategies, he is always showing initiative!
M -- Mmmmm -- Loves his ice cream, and likes to tempt his guildmates to partake in their own bowl of ice cream! 
A --  Amazing healer ... err I mean ... amazing tank lol :).


  • Thank you Harima for all that you do! Pers.


  • Congratulations Erick (Vadailla). Welcome to the Officer team! Thank you for agreeing to fulfill a role that is both an honor and a labor of love. Your hard work, studious attention to detail; self-reflective, generous and supportive personality, along with your kind and calm demeanor will be a great asset to the Officer team. I'm excited! Welcome aboard! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Ayrn, Beeswar, Harima, Lionarr, Odasa, Oopsie, Rhasalgul, Shortie & Soulashen! Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!


  • The person with the most votes is Beeswar! Congratulations! Beeswar is relatively new to our guild, but has proven to be a very active member of this community. Not only is he buzzing-about in guild chat and Discord, but also attends LFR, Raid Progression; and has even volunteered to tank Alt Raid. He is always willing to participate in any guild event, and help out his fellow guildmates! He truly lives up to his name, a busy-bee who runs Keystone, after Keystone, after Keystone, after Keystone ... all in the hopes that a dagger will eventually drop for his rogue LOL ... and yet, still remains positive in the face of disappointment. Your perseverance is admirable, and your hard work is not going unnoticed! Thank you Beeswar -- for your willingness to do whatever is necessary, and the dedication you have shown to your guildmates! Pers.


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Harima, Haedrath, Savvy, Shortie, Oblio, Odasa and Wolvesbain! Congratulations to all our nominees!


  • The winner of March's Guildie of the Month should come at no surprise. This generous and supportive guild member has crafted so many legendaries for our raid team! That's right ... you guessed it ... it's Abelnight! Day after day, I read in guild chat, "Oh thanks so much Abel" ... or hear in Discord, "Thanks to Abel, I now have my 291 legendary!" And Abel replies with a casual, "No problem" :). Thank you so much Abel. Not only do you come prepared for raid, but you are also helping us to do the same! We sincerely appreciate all you do! Pers.



  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Haedrath, Harima, Kikanuti, Oblio, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasulgal, Shortie & Vadailla. Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. And strangely enough, there were nominations for "Wine", "Pers' Wine" and "Ani's Meth" ... oh my! LOL.


  • The winner is Vadailla (Erick)! Congratulations! Erick joined CRD several months ago, and the fact that he is now our Guildie of the Month, speaks volumes about the kind of guy he is. What kind of guy you may ask? Well, he's the kind of guy ...

    • 1. ... who has strong work ethic and integrity -- he wasn't going to join raid progression until he was ready and did his homework!

    • 2. ... who is willing to roll whatever character is needed to support the guild -- whether that's tanking on his warrior for Alt Raid, or becoming a new member of the healing team for Sepulcher Progression!

    • 3. ... who not only is receptive to the support from others, but is willing to share secrets of his own to guildmates!

    • 4. ... who attends LFR ... need I say more? Anyone who runs LFR with the guild is a cherished guildie!

    • 5. ... who is a fisherman! So hopefully he'll appreciate this fishing analogy ... CRD is pretty excited to have recruited a catch like you!


  • Thank you Erick for all you do! We sincerely hope you've made this fishing hole your new home! Pers.


  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Abractus (Menton), Anecia (Erick), Anicetus, Ayrn, Hotchick, Lionarr, Odasa, Perseffonee, Shortie & Savvy. Congratulations to the nominees, and another shout-out to those who took the time to vote!


  • The person with the most votes is Ayrn! Congratulations! Ayrn is one of our longest-standing members of the guild! Through the ebb and flow of every expansion, he consistently shows loyalty and dedication. Whether we wipe or win, Ayrn is always present and supportive! Either willing to run Keystones or share his Shammy secrets with his guildmates, he is both generous and humble -- rare characteristics that not only make him an excellent player, but also a great guy! And ... he also laughs at my movie references LOL! Thank you Ayrn for your continued support. Thanks for being you! Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month are: Haedrath, Inwe, Odasa, Oblio & Perseffonee. December was a quiet, but busy time. My deepest thanks to everyone who contributes to the health and progression of our guild. And a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. The person with the most votes is Inwe!


  • Congratulations Inwe! She is one of the longest-standing members in the guild! The last time she won Guildie of the Month, I called her a superwoman, so for those who do not know Inwe, her history with the guild is worth repeating:

    • She is a "super" mom -- she has five children. FIVE! Need I say more ... but I will.

    • She is a "super" druid healer; she always brings her A-Game; researches the fights; comes prepared, and has been a dependable member of our raid progression team for years! ... Even at 9 months pregnant, she raided! ... After giving birth, she raided! ... Even breastfed with one arm, while keeping the raid team alive with the other!

    • She is a "super" guild member -- a fiercely loyal and dedicated member; always supportive and willing to help her guildmates.

    • She is a "super" human being -- always kind and thoughtful; advocating for RL causes that place the needs of others before herself.

    • She is a "super" hero. She is the constant, during the ebb and flow of each expansion -- constantly present, constantly positive, constantly devoted, and constantly "saving the day" with her heals.

  • See! She was, and still is, a superwoman. Thank you Inwe for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Golovin, Haedrath, Harima, Kikanuti, Odasa, Ornstein, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, & Shortie! The names on this list not only represent the supportive community within CRD, but also the support from our extended family!


  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Congratulations! From crafting gear and armor kits to pug'n a Sylvanas lockout for raid progression, he consistently places the needs of the guild before his own. His loyalty and dedication has stood the test of time. Through the ebb and flow of multiple expansions, he has always remained an active member of this community. Whether it is running LFR for the 27th time to keep a guildmate company, or attending our Annual Lawn Darts event, Odasa will be there to support raid-readiness and community solidarity. It is this kind of dedication of which our guild achievements stand upon. He is always present, always generous and supportive, and always willing to do what is necessary -- and always does so with great humility. He would not want me telling you this ... but ... it is Odasa who commits random acts of kindness and wishes to remain anonymous when donations are made to the guild. He is truly a thoughtful and kind human being! Thank you Odasa for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Harima, Hotchick, Inwe, Leoncoeur, Leonidas, Moriarty, Nastypally, Odasa, Rhasalgul & Savvy! Congratulations to the nominees! And a special thank you to those who took the time to vote -- it only takes a second to vote, but the recognition of an appreciated guild member lasts much longer <3.


  • There was a four-way tie -- Abelnight, Leoncoeur, Odasa & Rhasagul each received three anonymous votes -- which, for me, serves as another example of the supportive and welcoming community we have at CRD! So many people contribute to the health and progression of our guild, and I am incredibly grateful for everyone's efforts. So choosing just one person is hard to do, ... but we have to :). So to break the tie, the Officers and I anonymously voted for ... our new member, Leoncoeur!


  • Congratulations! The fact that Leonceour is a new member who just won Guildie of the Month confidently confirms he is a good fit for our guild, and that we like him lol :). Not only did he agree to tank Alt Raid without notice, but he also tanked LFR -- yes, I said LFR -- that alone says everything we need to know about him! Anyone willing to tank LFR is a keeper! But what I do know about him is that: 1) he is a respectful, studious and self-reflective player, 2) is raid-ready, with homework done, 3) enjoys sushi, 4) values family and community, 5) and he transferred servers to join our guild ... so I think we are very fortunate to have him a part of our guild, and I look forward to getting to know him better! Pers.


  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Ayrn, Harima, Kikanuti, Leoncoeur, Lionarr, Moriarty, Perseffonee, Raeyn, Rhasalgul, Slinkie & Thealin. Congratulations to our nominees! As always, thank you for making CRD a supportive and welcoming sanctuary away from RL.

  • The person with the most votes is Kikanuti! Congratulations! What is interesting about Kikanuti is that all of his level 60 characters represent an aspect of his personality: Abelnight, Kikanuti, Shampire, Friarfox, Kindness and Lovabull. Let me explain ...

  • He is an "Abel" "Night" in shining armor! -- whether "Kik"ing butt with his priest Kikanuti; or a "Sham"tastic healer on his shaman Shampire -- he is "Abel" and willing to do whatever is needed! Even his monk "Friar"fox represents the warmth and soft-spoken quality of his personality. But his most appreciated and admired quality is represented by his warlock. From running Keys or LFR with me, so I'm not alone ... to always crafting legendary gear for guildies, his level of "Kindness" is a rare quality not seen in many people. His "Kindness" even prompted a marriage proposal from Leonidas in guild chat yesterday LOL! So it is little wonder why he is a "Lovabull" member of this guild. Thank you Kikanuti for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Anicetus, Harima, Lionarr, Moriarty, Naelyn, Odasa, Rhasalgul, Spellcheck & Yesmin. Congratulations to all our nominees.

  • The person with the most votes is Rhasalgul. Congratulations Rhas! Writing a congratulatory announcement for Rhas is like trying to purchase a birthday gift for the guy who has everything lol :). He’s the guy who has everything! He’s the guy everyone knows! He’s the guy who has won Guildie of the Month several times already, so what more can I say about this popular and longstanding member, and his outstanding contribution to our guild. Well, according to one of his nomination forms, someone called him "RHAS THE DAZ!! lol :). So let's breakdown what "RHAS THE DAZ" means to us!

R -- raider --- a dedicated member of our raid progression team!

H -- humor -- love his humorous posts and memes!

A -- altaholic -- he's played every race and class!

S -- supportive -- always willing to help a guildie!

T -- teacher -- a caring advocate for his students!

H -- heck of a great cook -- Shortie is a lucky lady!

E -- enchants -- always crafting enchants for his guildmates!

D -- devoted -- online every day!

A -- attentive -- among the first to answer questions in guild chat!

Z -- Zeus -- he is "godlike" when it comes to his knowledge of the game; an encyclopedia of WoW!

  • Thanks Rhas for all you do! We sincerely appreciate you! Pers.


  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Aldayora, Harima, Hotchick, Inwe, Lionarr, Moriarty, Oblio, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Shortie & Spellcheck! Congratulations to our nominees! We appreciate everyone's effort in making CRD an extraordinary community of people!

  • The person with the most votes is Lionarr! Woot! Woot! Believe it or not, Lionarr joined our guild nearly a decade ago! Unfortunately, however, he took a break from the game, but we still kept him in the guild in hopes he would return to us! After 7 years, we are so excited to have him back! And he has definitely made-up for lost time, as he is an active member of this guild -- generously donating a two-month WoW subscription for May's Guildie of the Month; donating BoEs to our raid team; topping the DPS charts on Saturday's Progression, while also tanking Alt Raid and Keystones! He's the guy with an impressive 2000+ score, and links in Guild Chat his 18+ Spires of Ascension saying, "Let's Goooooooooooooooo!" lol . But no Keystone is too little or too big, as he is always available and willing to support his fellow guildmates. Not only does he bring the DEEPS, but more importantly, he brings a fun and positive energy to raid night. His generous, humble and supportive personality makes him a valuable member of this guild. We're so glad to have you back, and thank you Lionarr for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Hotchick, Hundren, Lionarr, Moriarty, Nastypally, Oblio, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Shortie and Vero! Congratulations to our nominees!


  • The person with the most votes is Oblio! Oblio is a valued guild member, always prioritizing the needs of the guild and its members -- a thoughtful, caring and generous individual always willing to help a guildmate or farm mats for cauldrons and feasts. Not only is Oblio willing to help others, but is also receptive to feedback and support from others; someone who is helpful, but also humble is a rare and admirable quality. And even after graciously bowing-out from progression, Oblio continued to provide Vantus Runes for the raid team -- this selfless contribution not only highlights Oblio's character, but also serves as a reminder that the success of a guild is a collective effort that sometimes requires personal sacrifice. Thank you Oblio for your sacrifices and support, and just being you ... thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for May’s Guildie of the Month are: Degwin, Ealryc, Harima, Hotchick, Lionarr, Oblio, Shortie and Thealin. Congratulations to our nominees!


  • The person with the most votes is our resident Loremaster -- Thealin! Congratulations! Thealin is one of our most loyal, dedicated and long-standing members of this guild. It all began years ago, when he planned the “Battered Hilt Scavenger Hunt '', awarding the winner with the opportunity to obtain the Sister Blade Quel’Delar, a rare artifact of WoW history. Ever since then, he has entertained us with his “Lore Trivia Challenges”, “Lore Crawls”, “Fishing Tournaments” and, most recently, “CRD’s Playlist Project”, and all the while PUNishing us with his PUNgent, but always PUNctual puns! Not only does Thealin devote time into planning these events, but he also generously provides the prizes, so thank you Thealin for all your hard work. You are a valued member of this guild, and CRD would not be the same without our PUNny, PUNdit, pally! Thank you for all you do!


  • And as another testament to CRD’s extraordinary community, Lionarr has offered to donate the prize for Guildie of the Month -- a two month WoW subscription. Thank you very much, Lionarr -- what a generous gesture! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Badpally, Corpseblight, Ealryc, Harima, Hotchick, Hundren, Melfinnaa, Moriarty, Odasa, Perseffonee, Savvy, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Thealin and Twitch. Congratulations to our nominees!


  • The person with the most votes is Seanmichaels! Congratulations! Due to his RL schedule, you may not have seen him on throughout the day, but he is a behind-the-scenes guild member who has been generously supporting CRD for over two years! From mounts to pets, donations toward Discord, and copious amounts of mats for raid progression, he is not only generous, but modest, as he often prefers to remain anonymous. But since he is Guildie of Month, he cannot hide lol :).


  • And perhaps this is the right opportunity to share with everyone that he is a Jim Carrey fan, and has been seen impersonating the "smok'n" Stanley Ipkiss in The Mask, while also "putting out the vibes" as Lloyd and Harry from the movie Dumb and Dumber! lol :). Thank you Seanmichaels for your generous donations over the years! We appreciate all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Ayrn, Badpally, Corpseblight, Ealryc, Harima, Hundren, Melfinnaa, Naelyn, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Spellcheck, Tybirian and Yesmin. Congrats to the nominees, and thanks to everyone who voted.


  • The prize for this month's Guildie of the Month has been generously donated by Naelyn. She has given me 100K in gold to give to the winner. Thank you very much Naelyn! Simply amazing! -- another testament to the extraordinary community here at CRD.


  • So the person with the most votes, and thus the recipient of 100K in gold ... is Yesmin! Congratulations Yesmin! Whether in LFR, or Mythics, or Alt Raid, or Progression ... once her mana reaches 46.903773584906% she will inform the group LOL :). It's so great to have her raiding with us again. Yesmin has been a supportive and longstanding guild member of CRD for years! She is always willing to support her guildmates, even if that means spending five hours in a +13 Spires . Her dedicated personality, uber heals and comical addons, make running with her always a blast! Thank you Yesmin for all you do! Pers.



  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Artemis, Ayrn, Blackfairy, Corpseblight, Ealryc, Harima, Hotchick, Hundren, Jorell, Moriarty, Naelyn, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Snowstrider, Spellcheck, Thealin, Tybirian, Varjaz and Yesmin. Not including myself, there are 23 names on that list, all who contribute in different ways. Whether it's questing, farming, crafting, donating, carrying, encouraging, organizing, enforcing, representing, raiding, socializing, supporting; and any other verb ending in "ing" -- ALL of these "actions" are equally important, and I'm grateful for everyone's contribution.


  • The person with the most votes is Spellcheck! Congratulations Spellcheck! We are very happy you and Ealryc have found a home here! You are always willing to do whatever is necessary to support your guildmates -- even roll a tank for Alt Raid -- <insert my devious grin lol>. And not only do you guys bring laughter and lock-portals to raid, but you also bring your signature laxative cookies and lucky bananas! LOL, thanks for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Cidniz, Corpseblight, Ealryc, Harima, Hundren, Khazzra, Naelyn, Perseffonee, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Spellcheck and Thealin. Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Hundren! Congratulations! The fact that Hundren is a new guildie, yet received the most votes this month, confirms he is a good fit for this guild; and clearly we like his jokes lol :). He is an active member of this community, helping his guildmates run Torghast, Keystones, and he even tanks LFR -- yes, I said tanking LFR -- that alone says everything we need to know about him. What a great guy! He has the perfect raiding temperament -- he is a teamplayer, comes prepared, clearly communicates, and always displays a calm, supportive and patient attitude. Thank you Hundren for all you do. We sincerely hope you and Aldayora have found a home here! Pers.


  • The nominees for December’s Guildie of the Month are: Badpally, Biglou, Cidniz, Dazal, Devilzreven, Dori, Harima, Hundren, Khazzra, Moriarty, Oblio, Odasa, Perseffonee, Sebot, Spellcheck and Um. Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Congratulations! Odasa is a long-standing member of this guild who has shown dedication and loyalty over the years! One of the qualities we admire most about Odasa is his supportive and industrious personality. He is not someone who attends raid progression, earns AoTC and then disappears. He is present throughout the entire expansion, participating in events that support raid-readiness and community solidarity. From farming mats for feasts to helping gear-up his guildmates through Callings, Torghast, LFR or Keystones, we can always depend upon his work ethic and community spirit. He is a part of this guild’s foundation, in which our achievements stand upon! Thank you Odasa for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dazal, Degwin, Devilzreven, Duke, Emoondaria, Gein, Golovin, Harima, Hotchick, Katmail (Konacoffee), Marrlie, Moriarty, Norman, Odasa, Perseffonee, Physics (Concentrate), Rainor, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Thealin, Um, Valler, Vetr (Badconduct) and Zabrn. That is a list of 27 nominees! Congratulations to all the nominees, and thank you to those who took the time to vote! This month has been especially extraordinary. The names on this list, but not limited to, have:

1) played morning and night to max-level, and then have become a resource for others;

2) quickly maxed their professions, so they can offer gems, enchants & crafted gear to their guildmates;

3) herbed and fished for HOURS, to earn feasts, flasks and cauldron recipes in preparation for raid progression;

4) researched tips/strategies to help others;

5) helped guildmates earn last-minute achievements before the launch of Shadowlands;

6) donated money to maintain our Discord status;

7) helped gear-up guildmates by running dungeons or Torghast;

8) gifted timecards to those who couldn't afford to play;

9) promoted joy and laughter in Discord, ensuring CRD remains our sanctuary away from RL;

10) and to the other kind gestures that wish to remain anonymous, but never go unnoticed or appreciated.


^^ these acts of kindness and support occurred in a single month; this is who we are, and I am deeply grateful and proud of everyone's efforts!


  • Among this extraordinary community of people is the nominee with the most votes! Congratulations Duke! Thank you Duke for being a part of all the aforementioned efforts that go into making this guild an extraordinary place! From running dungeons with your guildmates, to having a philosophical discussion on the pedagogy of teaching, you are a valued member of this guild! Pers.



  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Degwin, Devilzreven, Harima, Hotchick, Inwe, Marrlie, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rainor, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Schnozz, Shinzi and Um! The number of names on this list is another testimony to CRD's extraordinary community of supportive, kind and hardworking individuals! My deepest thanks to everyone who contributes to the health and progression of our guild. And thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. The person with the most votes is Inwe!

  • Congratulations! Inwe is a longstanding member of our guild! She is a superwoman in disguise:

    • She is a "super" mom -- she has five children. Did I say she has FIVE children? Need I say more ...

    • She is a "super" druid healer -- she always brings her A-Game; researches the fights; comes prepared, and is a dependable member of our raid progression team. Even at 9 months pregnant, she attends raid night!! Shortly after childbirth, she attends raid night!! -- breastfeeds AND keeps our raid team alive!!

    • She is a "super" guildmember -- a loyal, dedicated member; always supportive and willing to help her guildmates.

    • She is a "super" human being -- always kind and thoughtful; advocating for RL causes that place the needs of others before herself.


  • Thank you Inwe for all you do! Pers.



  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Blackfairy, Harima, Hotchick, Karliyah, Marrlie, Neatheux, Oblio, Odasa, Perseffonee, Sebot, Shinzi and Shortie! Congratulations to the nominees! And a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!


  • The person with the most votes is Harima. Congratulations! Harima is a valuable, dedicated and long-standing member of this guild. He spends 100% of himself into this guild:

    • He spends his gold to support raid-readiness with feasts and cauldrons.

    • He spends his time in helping guildmates complete quests and Keystones.

    • He spends his afternoons on Discord and FB posting funny memes, while keeping us updated on WoW-Head news!

    • He spends his evenings as a listening ear for guildmates who need to vent.

    • He spends his nights dreaming of boss strategies and potential guild events to support the health and progression of our guild.

    • And he literally spends his sanity in Horrific Visions to help a guildmate earn achievements.


  • Thank you Harima for giving this guild everything you have to offer! Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Ashen, Ayrn, Harima, Moriarty, Nastypally, Odasa, Perseffonee, Raeyn, Rainor, Rhasalgul, Shinzi & Shortie! Congratulations to our nominees! And thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! The person with the most votes is Rhasalgul! 

  • Congratulations! Rhasalgul has won Guildie of the Month several times before ... and it is little wonder why. It is because he is always among the first to:
    1. Answer questions in guild chat, as he is an encyclopedia of class and game knowledge! 
    2. Volunteer his time to help guildies with questlines or leveling!
    3. Craft items for guildies in need!
    4. Be friendly, supportive and kind to everyone who joins the guild!

  • Thanks Rhasalgul for all you do! You are a long-standing and valued member of this guild! Pers.


  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Bainart, Biglou, Blackfairy, Dazal, Devilzreven, Harima, Inwe, Nastypally, Neatheux, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rainor, Savvy, Shortie & Vero! Congratulations to the nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Odasa is a long-standing guild member who has shown dedication and loyalty over the years! He is a team player, always encouraging more people to attend Alt Raid, while actively advocating for everyone to be included. Not only is he a valuable member of Raid Progression, but he also faithfully attends other events like Feast Farms, Guild Contests, Islands and even the dreaded LFR. These events may lack the glory of AoTC, but still remain important because they support raid-readiness and community solidarity. In other words, Odasa represents the hard work and solid foundation that is necessary to earn that glory! Odasa has also purchased in-game merchandise to support guild events and community spirit; and has previously donated money to help me with Ventrilo, our CRD's website, and other guild related expenses. Thank you Odasa for your generous contribution to the health and progression of our guild! Pers.


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Cidniz, Dozyr, Harima, Hotchick, Khazzra, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Seanmichaels, Tybirian & Vero. Congratulations to our nominees and thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! Another representation of the extraordinary community we have at CRD!

  • The person with the most votes is Cidniz! So what does "Cidniz" mean to this guild? Well, ...

    • C -- COOL dude -- From running Keystones to Progression, he is our man!

    • I -- INTELLIGENT -- From "simming" his toons to discussions on Shakespeare, he is a wealth of knowledge and resource!

    • D -- DEDICATED -- We sincerely thank him for his loyalty and dedication to the health and progression of our guild!

    • N -- NAKED -- The beloved Orc in red underpants!

    • I -- INCLUSIVE -- He is a team-player with a strong sense of community, always willing to support his guildmates!

    • Z -- ZILLION -- Dori, how much is it going to cost us for a ZILLION love smacks?! ... :)


  • Congratulations Cidniz! We sincerely thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Artemis, Beld (Dagnabit), Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dazal, Devilzreven, Dori, Dozyr, Emoondaria, Harima, Inwe, Khazzra, Konacoffee, Kronar, Nastypally, Neatheux, Odasa, Pakhet, Perseffonee, Physics, Pyrite, Raeyn, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Schnozz, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Thealin, Valler, Vero, Wunwuntu & Zenzhu. That is a list of 32 nominees! People who are a part of a community who:

1) donate gold to the guild bank when we are broke;

2) help guildmates run Questlines, Keystones and Horrific Visions;

3) farm mats for feasts, cauldrons & other consumables;

4) provide Vantus Runes for raid progression;

5) help guildmates "sim" their characters;

6) craft enchants and gems for guildmates;

7) use their own gold to make consumables for guildmates;

8) work hard every week improving their dps/hps for progression;

9) spend countless hours offline researching raid-boss strategies;

10) gift WoW subs to guildmates who are in need;

11) spread joy and laughter during troubled times;

12) provide helpful "pro-tips" and strategies for individual & raid progression;

13) work hard in ensuring CRD remains our sanctuary away from RL;

14) and to the other kind gestures that wish to remain anonymous, but never go unnoticed or appreciated

  • These acts of kindness and support occurred in a single month -- that is the kind of community we have at CRD! And I am both grateful and proud of everyone's efforts! The person with the most votes is Devilzreven! Congratulations Devilz! You have worked so hard this month! Your efforts in becoming raid-ready have not gone unnoticed. Not only are you receptive to support, doing your homework, providing feasts for raid progression, and researching your class, but you have also paid-it-forward in the interest to help others! We are proud of you. Well done Devilz! Thank you for your continued hard work! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Artemis, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Devilzreveng, Harima, Khazzra, KonaCoffee, Kronar, Nastypally, Neatheux, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Schnozz, Shortie, Valler & Vero. Another impressive list! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Rhasalgul! He is our resident <inhale> Hunter, Pally, Demon Hunter, Mage, Priest, Druid, Death Knight, Warlock, Monk, Warrior, Rogue, Shaman <exhale> lol. He is an encyclopedia of knowledge. Not only does he play every class, he is among the first to reach out and help anyone with questions relating to professions to progression; or from crafting gear, enchants & bags for guildmates to running them through dungeons or questlines. Thank you Rhasalgul for all you do! Pers. 


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Artemis, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dori, Dozyr, Elandera, Harima, Khazzra, Nastypally, Nyxes, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Schnozz, Seanmichaels, Shortie, Skullyosis, Um, Valler, Vero & Zabrn! Holy smokes! :).


  • A very sincere thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! I am pleased to see this level of participation; and this many nominees -- another testament to the amazing community of people we have at CRD! The person with the most votes is Um! We are glad you are back from your "haitus" lol :) … Clearly, you have been missed! As a human being, we have missed your thoughtful and generous personality! As a hunter, we have missed your jokes and friendly competitive banter over hunter DPS :). Glad to have you back Um! Pers.


  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Ashen, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dori, Dozyr, Duke, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Schnozz, Shortie, Skullyosis, Thealin & Vero. Congratulations to our nominees! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!


  • The person with the most votes is Ashen! Congratulations Ashen! You are a valued member of this guild! We appreciate your willingness to always help out the guild, and your hard work and commitment to our raid progression. Not only do you bring crazy DPS, but more importantly you bring your social and fun personality to guild events!  And if all that was not enough to be our Guildie of the Month … you are also a RUSH FAN LOL 🥁🥁🥁, and that makes you awesome-sauce! Ashen, we sincerely thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dozyr, Duke, Fizzix, Harima, Khazzra, Odasa, Perseffonee, Schnozz, Shortie & Vero. Congrats to the nominees, and thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Duke! Congratulations Duke! You are valued member of this guild, and we are grateful you have found a home here at CRD! Whether we run Arenas, BGs, Horrific Visions, Ny'alotha progression ... or have a philosophical discussion on the nature and complexity of the human condition … you are a great guy to hang with! Not only do you encourage healthy competition among the raid team, but you are also among the first to help a guildie with his/her dailies, macros or DPS rotation. We sincerely appreciate your efforts in making this guild a friendly, progressive, and supportive community of players! Thanks for all you do Duke! Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Bainart, Bashy, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dazal, Devilzreveng, Dozyr, Duke, Harima, Khazzra, Nyxes, Odasa, Perseffonee, Savvy, Seahawkwalt, Shortie, Valler & Vero. Congratulations to the nominees! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Valler! Congratulations! You have evolved from Artemis' mysterious and enigmatic husband to a real person <lol> who is an active and valuable member of this guild. We have noticed all your hard work and dedication in getting your toons raid-ready! We can always depend on you to be there for guild events! And whenever we need a tank, you are among the first to volunteer and place the needs of the guild before your own. We appreciate all you do, and are very grateful that you and Artemis have found a home here at CRD! Pers.


  • The nominees for November’s Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Artemis, Ashen, Bainart, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Corpseblight, Devilzreveng, Dozyr, Duke, Harima, Hotchick, Inwe, Khazzra, Naelyn, Nyxes, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Raeyn, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Schnozz, Seahawkwalt, Shortie, Slinkie, Squab, Um, Valler, Wunwuntu & Zabrn! Congratulations to all nominees. What an impressive list! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Shortie! Customarily, Officers graciously decline being awarded Guildie of the Month, which is another testament to their self-sacrificing personality. However, since Odasa is providing the prize this month, it is appropriate for an Officer to be eligible.


  • Thank you Odasa for your generous gift, as you represent the extraordinary community of CRD. And congratulations to Shortie who represents our Officer team. In addition to being a mature, dependable, supportive and contributing member, my Officers have the added responsibility of attending weekly meetings, managing the clerical duties of monitoring and advertising on social platforms, organizing the roster, guild bank, updating the website, and recruiting; representing and enforcing guild expectations, promoting conflict resolution, researching and hosting guild events, addressing guild interest and concerns, and promoting the health and progression of the guild. They have my trust and authority to make decisions based on the best interest of the guild. And … I don’t pay them lol. They VOLUNTEER their time to fulfill these duties! From the bottom of my heart, Shortie thank you for all you do; you are a very well deserved recipient of this honour! Pers.



  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Corpseblight, Dozyr, Karliyah, Khazzra, Naelyn, Nyxes, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Squab, Um & Zabrn! Congrats to all nominees! Thank you to our nominees and those who took the time to nominate!  

  • The nominee with the most votes is Karliyah! Congratulations! From crafting Vantus Runes for raid progression to your positive and supportive personality, you are a very valued member of this guild. Despite your demanding RL commitments and working every other weekend, you still rock the priest heals and make time for your guildmates. Thank you Karliyah for all you do! Pers.  



  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Artemis, Blackfairy, Dozyr, Harima, Nyxes, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rainor, Rhasalgul, Schnozz, Shortie & Um! Congrats to all nominees! Another testimony to our hardworking, friendly and supportive community. Thank you to our nominees and those who took the time to nominate!

  • The nominee with the most votes is Artemis! Congratulations! CRD is very fortunate to have this special lady a part of our guild! Not only is she a kind, dedicated and loyal member of this community, but she consistently does her homework and commits 100% effort in every thing she does! Whether it's always showing up for guild events, sacrificing her own needs for the needs of the guild, or researching ways in which to improve her A-Game, she is one of our more devoted WoW players! Her dedication does not go unnoticed! And, she is a blast to be around! Thank you for being you! Artemis, we sincerely thank you for all your hard work. Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Artemis, Baine, Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dozyr, Harima, Khazzra, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Shortie & Um! Congrats to all nominees! The sheer number of nominees is another testament to the supportive community of CRD! Thank you to our nominees and those who took the time to nominate!

  • The nominee with the most votes is Harima! Thank you Harima for all you do! You are a very valued member of this guild. Everyone bears witness to your hard work and dedication, and is grateful for the fruits of your labor! The feasts and cauldrons you bring to raid is never expected, but 100% appreciated. That is a ton of work! Not only are you a dedicated raider, but you always bring your A-Game, and are willing to help any guild member in need -- anything from farming mats to running a dungeon. Thank you for being you! -- you're a cool-beans guy who is fun to hang with! Pers.


  • The nominees for July’s Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Anicetus, Cidniz, Dozyr, Hali, Harima, Hotchick, Odasa, Perseffonee, Rainor, Shortie & Um! Congratulations to all nominees!


  • There was a three-way-tie between Harima, Rainor and Um with FIVE votes each! That means more than 15 people took the time to acknowledge someone else’s kindness. It warms my heart to see so many people participating – thank you to everyone who voted! To break the three-way-tie, the Officers and I conducted a silent vote. From Harima grinding cauldrons and feasts for raid progression … to Rainor’s dedication … to Um’s “um”believably fun-loving personality – it was a tough decision!

  • Congratulations Rainor who won the tie-breaker! Not only do you have a friendly, positive and supportive personality, but you are always willing to farm/craft/run whatever is needed for the guild. And I would be remiss not to remind everyone you have accepted the stressful and enormous commitment of co-tanking raid progression, for which we are very grateful! Your dedication to CRD is clearly evident, and we sincerely appreciate all you do! We are so pleased you, Elandera and Pyrite have found a home here. Pers.


  • Congratulations Schnozz! Welcome to the Officer team! Pers.



  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Biglou, Cidniz, Dozyr, Hali, Harima, Khazzra/Rainor, Odasa, Oopsie, Rhasalgul, Shortie & Um. Congratulations to all nominees, and a thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! As always, I'm filled with pride to see so many people nominated. It was a close one! Almost a three-way tie! From holding lockouts, to farming premium flasks/feasts for raid progression; and helping your guild-mates navigate the new Patch content, so many of you are deserving!


  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Congratulations! You consistently place the needs of the guild before your own. From farming mats for feasts/cauldrons, holding lockouts, being a dedicated & skilled member of raid progression, purchasing in-game mounts for guildies as prizes … to encouraging guildies to group-up or participate in raid progression, you are a very valued member of this guild. And the fact you've been Guidie of the Month before also testifies to how important you are! Thank you Odasa for helping make CRD our second-home! Pers.


  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dozyr, Freezerburnt, Hali, Hotchick, Pakdari, Odasa, Oopsie, Rainor, Rhasalgal, Schnozz, Shortie & Um. Congratulations to all nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote! It warms my heart to see so many people voting and nominated!


  • The person with the most votes is Rhasalgul! I sense a pattern emerging lol :). Rhas has been Guildie of the Month several times in the past, which is a testament to his on-going contribution to our community. He is always willing to do whatever is necessary to support his guildmates -- from farming mats, crafting gear, running with guildies to being a dedicated and reliable member of raid progression; from his wealth of in-game knowledge to posting helpful resources and reminders on our Facebook page, he is a very valued member of this guild.


  • You mean so much to us Rhas! So let's hear it for Rhas! Give me a R! Give me a H! Give me a A! Give me a ...


R -- Reliable!

H -- Helpful

A -- Awesome player -- doesn't matter if you're playing your Hunter, Mage, Rogue(x2), Pally, Priest, DK, 

Monk, Shaman, DH or Warrior (I think I've listed them all lol) … you are an encyclopedia of


S -- Super nice guy! Shortie is a lucky lady!

A -- Awesome human being! 

L -- Loyal

G -- Generous

A -- Always brings his A-Game to raid night!

L -- Love his GIFs!


  • Thanks for being you Rhas! The world (and Azeroth) is a better place because you're in it! Pers.



  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Cidniz, Dozyr, Hali, Inwe, Khazzra, Oopsie and Um. Congratulations to all nominees. And a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The person with the most votes is Um! Over six years ago, a few of us remember playing with Um! And when you joined our guild, we were curious as to whether you were THE Um! And indeed you were! What a small "Azeroth." We are so glad you and your friends have found a home here at CRD! Considering you are a relatively new guild member, your nomination is a testament to your compatibility within our family, and confirms the positive impact and impression you have made upon your guild-mates. We appreciate your family-oriented and supportive personality, and your interest to always "group up" and socialize! Congratulations! Pers. 


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Anicetus, Blackfairy, Dozor, Haedrath, Hali, Harima, Hotchick, Odasa, Oopsie, Pakhet, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Savvy and Shortie.

  • Congratulations to all nominees. And a special thank you to those who took the time to vote. 16 people were nominated!! This number is a testament to the strength and extraordinary nature of our community! And I truly mean extraordinary! We are not an "ordinary" guild. We have something special and enduring! Our guild is approaching our 10 year anniversary; this is no "ordinary" accomplishment. We even have a nominee who is not in the guild -- Haedrath -- LOL, which also speaks to the fact that CRD has an extended family who we appreciate and consider awesome!

  • The member with the most votes is Abelnight. You are a very valued member of this guild. You consistently support your guildmates by running dungeons, keystones, older content for achievements, and you provide enchants/gems/crafted gear to our raid team, but your kindness and generosity goes beyond Azeroth! You have supported guildmates in their time of need, and that makes you not only an awesome paladin, but an awesome human being! Thank you Abelnight for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Hali, Odasa, Oopsie, Pakhet, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Toriko (Moriarty) and Twitch. With a special shout-out to Odasa for wanting to provide this month's prize -- the flying pig mount -- which is very generous of him, and much appreciated! Thank you Odasa!


  • The member with the most votes is Rhasalgul! Congrats Rhas! You are awesome-sauce Rhas, and we sincerely appreciate everything you do.


  • And I just want to say … I know every month, people in this guild … provide gems, enchants, farm/fish for feasts & cauldrons, run older or catch-up content with guildmates, spread friendly & supportive cheer to those who are feeling down, purchase in-game goodies & game-time for their guildmates, host & attend guild events, donate to and organize the guild bank, enforce & represent our expectations, do their homework & offer pro-tips/advice, and negotiate RL stuff to attend guild events. As I've said before, it takes a village to raise a guild. CRD is an extraordinary community of people! And I am deeply grateful for everyone's effort! Everyone, in different capacities, participates in the health and progression of our guild. And from the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you! Pers.



  • We are making the switch to Discord -- WOOT!

    • Step 1: Don't panic! It's super easy, super fun, and super free! … and the Officers and I are here to help!

    • Step 2: Download Discord

    • Step 3: Setup your profile

    • Step 4: Join our server -- link provided in-game

    • Step 5: That's it! Get talk'n!

  • We would like everyone to make the transition by next Saturday. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask! Most of the guild is already familiar with the program. Pers.



  • Congratulations Shortie, our new Officer! Pers.



  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Hali, Harima, Hotchick, Oopsie, Rhasalgul, Schnozz, Shortie and Thealin. Congrats to all our nominees, and a special thank you to those who took the time to vote!

  • The winner is Hali. From crafting trinkets, feasts and Vantus Runes to support raid progression ... to running BGs and dungeons with your guild-mates ... to spreading friendly cheer in guild chat and Ventrilo with your positive personality and humour ... your contribution is greatly noticed and appreciated. Hali, thank you for your dedication, hard work, and loyalty to CRD! We are so grateful you and Abelnight have found a home here! Pers.


  • This Friday at 9 pm server, Thealin will be guiding us through the "Waist of Time" achievement. You will need the following items/expectations to be eligible for earning this achievement:

  1. A max level toon

  2. War Mode off

  3. A water walking mount

  4. Arathi Highlands set to the past (talk to the dragon at the south path)

  5. Windwool Hood (non-upgraded)

  6. Deathsilk Shoulders

  7. Frostwoven Leggings

  8. Netherweave Tunic

  • And the following grey items:

  1. "Proximo's Rudius" from Coreiel in Halaa Outland Nagrand

  2. "Rough Wooden Staff" from any inscription vendor

  3. "Punctured Pelt" from the Aspen Grove Trader in Grizzly Hills

  4. "Formula: Enchant Ring-Striking" from the vendor in BC Kara, right before chess event

  • A special thank you to Thealin for taking the time to guide us through this event! Hope to see everyone there! Pers.


  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month are: Dozyr, Hali, Harima, Perseffonee, Raphayela, Rhasalgul, Shortie & Twitch. Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!

  • The winner is Rhasalgul! Rhasalgul, you are always willing to do whatever is necessary to support your guildmates -- from farming mats, crafting gear, running with guildies to being a dedicated and reliable member of our raid progression; from your wealth of in-game knowledge to posting helpful resources and reminders on our Facebook page, you are a very valued member of this guild. We sincerely appreciate all you do for CRD! And P.S. ... Congratulations on your teaching job! We are very happy for you guys! Pers.



  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Hali, Harima, Rhasalgul, Odasa, Oops, Perseffonee, Savvy & Shortie. Congratulations to our nominees, and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!


  • The winner is Odasa! From farming 400 Anchor Weed to always bringing your A-Game to always helping out a fellow guildie, we sincerely appreciate all you do! You are always someone who we can depend upon to be there! Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to CRD! Pers.



  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Abelnight, Beltix, Blackfairy, Deriela, Dozyr, Hali, Harima, Hotchick, Hyuen, Karliyah, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Shortie & Sylvale. 15 people were nominated this month! Congratulations to all nominees. I am deeply grateful to those who consistently devote their time, kindness and thoughtfulness into making CRD a strong and supportive community. And I am also grateful to those who nominate and acknowledge the kindness of others! A special thank you to everyone!

  • The person with the most votes is Dozyr! Our warrior, monk and pally tank extraordinaire! You are an excellent tank, no matter what class you roll! CRD is very blessed to have a tank who is kind, patient, supportive, humble and knowledgeable -- traits not commonly found in a tank. You are a rare gem! You and Anicetus make poetry together, two halves of a synergetic relationship that is instrumental to our raid progression. Thank you for your dedication to CRD, and the time and effort you devote in promoting the success of our raid progression! Pers. 


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Beltix, Deriela, Dozyr, Gorebow, Harima, Hyuen, Oopsie, Rhasalgul, Savvy & Shortie. Congratulations to all nominees! To have so many people nominated testifies to the strength and support of our community. Thank you to these nominees for continuing to make CRD our digital home, and thank you to those who voted!

  • The person with the most votes is Shortie! -- that lovable goblin mage who is often seen runn'n dungeons, or punching Alliance in the face :). But seriously, Shortie you are a very valued member of this guild. If anyone is having a rough day, running a dungeon or BG with you is always the remedy! You make everyone around you feel special! We sincerely appreciate your positive and fun-loving personality. Thank you for being you, and all you do for CRD! Pers.



  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Oopsie, Rhasalgul & Thealin. Congratulations to all our nominees! The person with the most votes is Thealin!


  • From your extensive knowledge of WoW lore to your willingness to always help out a fellow guildie, you are a valued member of this guild. Because of you, many guild-mates earned several achievements last month! Thank you for all you do; it is very much appreciated. Pers.



  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Dresden, Harima, Hotchick, Odasa, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Shortie, Thealin & Vyna. Congratulations to all nominees. The person with most votes is Harima!

  • Harima you are consistently a positive and active contributor to the health and progression of our guild. We can always depend on you to attend guild events, or support a fellow guildie -- you place the needs of the guild before yourself. You are also an important member of our raid progression, and we greatly appreciate you maintaining the Argus lockout so others may earn their AoTC! Whether you are writing the next chapter for your novel Fall of Light or bringing your A-Game to raid progression, all your efforts represent a strong dedication to CRD. Thank you and Congratulations Harima! Pers.


  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Beltix, Deriela, Freezerburnt, Harima, Jarigan, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul & Squab. Congratulations to all nominees! The person with the most votes is Freezerburnt!

  • Freezerburnt thank you for being a dedicated member of our community and raid progression. We can always count on you to bring your A-Game, along with your expertise and supportive attitude. And based on the needs of the raid, you're always among the first to offer to switch toons if necessary. Thank you for all you do! Pers.


  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Blackfairy, Corpseblight, Harima, Odasa, Oopsie Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Savvy & Thealin. Congratulations to all our nominees!

  • The person with the most votes is Odasa! Congratulations Odasa! We thank you for your continued support and dedication to CRD. Your hard work is not going unnoticed. Every weekend we appreciate your raid-readiness -- you bring your A-Game, you've researched the fights, you're supportive of others; and overall you're fun to run with! Pers.


  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Dresden, Freezerburnt, Harima, Oopsie, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul & Thealin. Congratulations to all our nominees!

  • The person with the most votes is Dresden! Congratulations Dresden! You are a very valued member of this guild, and our resident RP extraordinaire! Thank you for your dedication to CRD, and all your efforts in making this online community our second home! Pers.


  • Dresden our thoughts and prayers are with you. In loving memory of your brother. Pers.


  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Bashy, Blackfairy, Dozyr, Dresden, Freezerburnt, Harima, Hotchick, Karthax, Odasa, Oopsie, Pakhet, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Sariell, Savvy & Thealin. Congratulations to everyone! The person with the most votes is Harima. Harima we thank you for your continued support and loyalty to CRD. You are always thoughtful and supportive of others; always dependable to attend guild events; always bring your A-Game, and you are our resident author! We think you are pretty awesome.


  • We had 18 nominations for Guildie of the Month! Simply fantastic! A sincere thank you to not only everyone who was nominated but also to those who take the time to nominate. This is why we are the #1 Horde guild on The Scryers -- we have an extraordinary community of people who are thoughtful and supportive. Pers.



  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Crave, Demonfairy, Galion, Harima, Hotchick, Perseffonee, Rhasalgul, Thealin & Zenzhu! Congrats to all our nominees.


  • The person with the most votes is Zenzhu! Congrats! CRD appreciates all you do. We are very grateful for your guidance, expertise and experience -- you are definitely awesome-sauce and we enjoy run'n with you and Apocalypse Dudes! Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month are: Beltix, Crave, Harima, Hotchick, Raentina, Savvy, Shortie, Stitches & Sylvale. Congrats to all our nominees, and thank you for making CRD a supportive community of players. As I've said before, it warms my heart to see so many people nominated because it confirms we have a wonderful group of people who are both kind and willing to acknowledge the kindness in others. And for that, I sincerely thank everyone!

  • The nominee with the most votes is Stitches! Congratulations! Stitches, we are grateful you are apart of this guild, and we thank you for your support and expertise. You're not only an excellent DH and Monk healer <insert jealous comment here :) lol >, but more importantly you're a great guy who we love raiding with! Thanks for being you because you matter to us and the CRD community. Pers.


  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month are: Bashy, Degwin, Dresden, Dozyr, Harima, Inwe, Odasa, Oops, Perseffonee, Preposition, Prophyria, Raentina, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Thealin, Tyin & Zenzhu. Congratulations to all our nominees. I am truly proud to see this many people nominated -- what a thoughtful and supportive community we have nurtured in CRD.

  • The person with the most votes is Dresden! Congratulations! Dresden thank you so much for all you do -- from spreading your friendly cheer, supportive personality to regularly donating herbs and flasks to help with cauldrons, we are very grateful to have you in this guild. Pers.


  • The nominees for October's Guildie of the Month are: Bellona, Budhunter, Degwin, Dozyr, Dresden, Harima, Inwe, Naelyn, Oops, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Squab and Thealin! Congratulations to all our nominees! Like I said after raid last night, I am very pleased to see the number of nominations because this not only means we have a wonderful community of people, but also people who are willing to acknowledge the kindness and support of others! Thank you to everyone who submitted your vote.


  • The person with the most votes is Squab! Squab (and Naelyn who was a close second) we are so pleased to have you in this guild. You guys have been a terrific addition to our family. You have a contagiously positive attitude, and we appreciate your supportive personality and participation in making this guild a privilege to belong to. Pers.


  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Corpseblight, Dresden, Harima, Oops, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Squab, Stitches and Thealin. Congratulations to all our nominees.

  • The person with the most votes is Harima! Congrats Harima! The fact you have been voted Guildie of the Month before, really testifies to how much we really appreciate you, and your thoughtful and supportive personality. And we are all eagerly anticipating your next chapter for Fall Of Light. For those of you who do not know, Harima has written the first chapter of his novel, inspired by his WoW journey, and the new friends he has met at CRD! The first chapter has been uploaded to our website! Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Corpseblight, Dozyr, Harima, Prophyria, Rhasalgal, Savvy and Zarcina. Congratulations to all our nominees. As I have said before, it is important to acknowledge the kindness and support of others, and it is our community that makes us the best guild on The Scryers (P.S. according to WoW Heroes, we are the #1 Horde guild on the The Scryers :). So thank you to everyone who voted, and thank you to everyone for your efforts in making CRD an awesome place to live in Azeroth!

  • The person with the most votes is Blackfairy. Congrats! Blackfairy, you are one of the most long-standing members in this guild. You are like the Papa-Bear to all of us. This guild would not be the same without you. Pers.



  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Doskka, Harima, Juiceboxx, Oops, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Rhasalgul, Savvy, Slice, Slinkie, Sorrick, Tyin, Vragspark and Zenzhu. Congrats to all our nominees! I am very pleased to see the number of nominations this month; this confirms our strong sense of community, a place where people are wonderful, and also acknowledge the wonderfulness of others!

  • The person with the most votes is Rhasalgul. Congrats! We appreciate how supportive and active you are, both in guild and on Facebook. And we thank you for all the new people you have recruited to join us, each person has been a great addition to our guild! Pers.



  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month are: Blackfairy, Deathmcdeath, Dozyr, Harima, Khatuul, Raeyn, Savvywone, Slice, Sorrick and Vragspark! Congrats to all our nominees! It is very important to acknowledge the kindness, support or awesome-sauce of our guildies, so thank you to everyone who voted :).

  • The person with the most votes is Vragspark! Congrats! We're so glad you've found a home here in CRD! Pers.



  • The nominees for May's Guildie of the Month are: Artemisia, Blackfairy, Dozyr, Harima, Jerzdoo, Neuri, Perseffonee, Prophyria, Savvywone, Vyneth and Zenzhu. Congratulations to all our nominees. I am really pleased to see so many people nominated; it really testifies to CRD's strong sense of community. The nominee with the most votes is Harima!


  • Harima we really appreciate your friendly and supportive personality, and your vested interest in our guild. We think you're awesome-sauce. We are really happy you have chosen us as your home in Azeroth! Pers.


  • Congratulations to our newest Officer, Prophyria! Welcome to the Officer team! Pers.



  • Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in CRD. I would also like to formally acknowledge Jinnae's contribution to our guild, as many peeps considered her the generous mother-figure of our guild. It is unfortunate that she has left, but the Officers and I wish her all the best both in Azeroth and in RL. Pers.



  • The nominees for April's Guildie of the Month are: Bashy, Bellona (Pakhet), Blackfairy, Jinnae, Mossburg, Neuri, Oops, Perseffonee, Savvywone and Thealin! Congrats to all our nominees.


  • The person with the most votes is Mossburg! What better way to celebrate you returning to CRD, then to appoint you Guildie of the Month! Clearly, you have been missed, and we are glad you are back! Pers.    



  • The nominees for March's Guildie of the Month are: Allassra, Dakk, Jinnae, Skulblood, Oops, Perseffonee, Savvywone, Wukong and Zenzhu! Congrats to all our nominees.

  • The person with the most votes is Skulblood! Since you have only been a member of CRD for less than a month, your nomination really testifies to you being a good fit. We appreciate your positive and talkative personality in guild chat! We are pleased you have found a home in CRD! Pers.


  • Congratulations Anicetus! Welcome to the Officer team! Pers.



  • The nominees for February's Guildie of the Month are: Allassra, Artemisia, Dakk, Jinnae, Oops, Perseffonee, Slinky, Thealin and Tyin! Congrats to all our nominees.

  • The person with the most votes is our resident Loremaster Thealin! We are sincerely grateful for all you do Thealin -- from keeping us well fed on raid night to challenging us on our WoW lore, we thank you for your hard work, passion, and dedication to CRD. Pers.


  • The nominees for January's Guildie of the Month are: Athak (Sariell), Allassra, Dakk, Jinnae, Juiceboxx, Karthax, Neuri, Prophyria, Savvywone, Thealin and Tyin! Congrats to all our nominees! The person with the most votes is Neuri!


  • Congrats Neuri! Thank you for your dedicated membership to CRD. You are loyal, supportive and kind person! We appreciate your hard work and dedication to our raid progression!


  • Thank you to all who voted. I am pleased to see so many nominations. Your nominations matter because it is important to acknowledge the effort and kindness we see in others. Pers.


  • The nominees for December's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Blackfairy, Clawmahn, Dakk, Dozyr, Jinnae, Oops, Savvywone, Thealin and Tyin. Congrats to all our nominees. The nominee with the most votes was Clawmahn! The fact that guildies have noticed your supportive and helpful personality so soon after becoming a CRD member really testifies to how awesome you are! We are pleased to have you apart of our guild!


  • And thank you to all who voted. I was really pleased to see the number of votes into the website! Remember guys -- your vote is anonymous and anyone can be nominated. Pers.



  • The nominees for November's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Dakk, Deathseeker (Tyrinthor), Jinnae, Oops, Shadowfuzzy (Neuri), Perseffonee, Prophyria and Tanktastic (Xolos). Congrats to all our nominees! The person with the most votes is Prophyria! Thank you Pro for all you do for CRD. Your positive, supportive, and fun-to-be-around personality is wonderful. We are fortunate to have you in CRD! Pers.



  • And the nominees for October's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Dak, Jinnae, Oops, Perseffonee, Prophyria and Vesharia. Congrats to all our nominees. The nominee with the most votes is Vesharia! Most notably, we appreciate how active you are in the guild, your commitment to raid-night, and your regular attendance and support with other guild events. Thank you for being a dedicated member of CRD!


  • And thank you to all who voted! Voting is important guys! Recognizing the kindness of our guildmates, and acknowledging those who make our guild a friendly and supportive community, is the reason why CRD is the #1 Horde guild on The Scryers realm. Pers.


  • Simply amazing guys! Emerald Nightmare is cleared after four weeks of raiding! Pers.


  • What an amazing first raid night! We one-shotted the first three bosses in Emerald Nightmare. Clearly, our preparedness and homework paid-off. Keep up the great work guys! Pers.



  • The nominees for September's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Anicetus, Ayrn, Blackfairy, Budhunter, Dozyr, Jinnae, Perseffonee, Savvywone, Sorrick and Tyin. Congrats to all our nominees! And the nominee with the most votes is Dozyr! The fact that you've been nominated after just recently joining the guild, really testifies to you being a good fit! We are pleased to have you apart of this guild. Your kind and supportive personality isn't going unnoticed. Pers.



  • Attention Fishing Enthusiasts! Sign-up for Thealin's Fishing Tournament


  • Details: Thealin is looking for a particular fish. On Saturday, October 15th, at 7:00 pm server, he will post clues in guild chat every 10 min. Before 8:00 pm server, the first person to give him the fish he is looking for, wins the GRAND PRIZE!

  • Grand Prize: 17 Rare Lures, plus 5 Arcane Lures

  • Runner Up: 30 Arcane Lures to hunt for your own lures

  • 3rd Place: 1 Hexweave bag (30 slot)

  • A special thank you to Thealin who thought of this challenge and has personally donated and crafted the prizes. Pers.


  • The nominees for August's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Ayrn, Chumbawumbaa, Jinnae, Kyni, Perseffonee, Savvywone and Tyin! Congrats to all our nominees! And the nominee with the most votes is Ayrn! You are a valued member of CRD, and we sincerely appreciate your fun, positive and supportive personality! Pers.



  • The nominees for July's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Ayrn, Blackfairy, Chumbawumbaa, Jinnae, Perseffonee and Shelly! Congratulations to all our nominess. And the nominee with the most votes is Blackfairy! The hard work and time you have devoted to leveling and gearing-up your toons is not going unnoticed! Great job! Pers.



  • Outstanding job guys! Heroic Hellfire is cleared. We have made CRD history -- full clear of Normal and Heroic before the next expansion and patch-nerf! Pers.


  • Congratulations to Dakkine who has joined the Officer team! Pers.


  • The nominees for June's Guildie of the Month, in alphabetical order, are: Anicetus, Dakkine, Deriela, Jinnae, Perseffonee, Raentina, Savvywone and Tyin! Congratulations to all our nominees. And the nominee with the most votes is Anicetus! Thank you Anicetus for being a loyal and dedicated member of CRD. We sincerely appreciate you! Pers.


  • We did it! Heroic Archimonde is defeated. Outstanding job everyone! Pers.


  • And the nominees, in alphabetical order, for May's Guildie of the Month are: Anicetus, Bashy, Corpseblight, Dakkine, Oops, Raentina, and Savvywone! Congrats to all our nominees! However, the person with the most votes is: Dakkine! Thank you Dakkine for showing initiative with the Achievement Mount event. We appreciate your vested interest in CRD and always willing to support a fellow guildie! Pers.


  • The last Sunday in every month at 5:00 pm server CRD will be hosting Mount Achievement Runs! A special thank you to Dakkine who not only thought of the event, but will also be researching and explaining the achievements. If there is a particular mount you are interested in, please email Dakkine and we'll ensure we put it on the mount-to-do-list! Pers.



  • And the nominees, in alphabetical order, for April's Guildie of the Month are: Ayrn, Bud, Byron, Fuzzy, Jinnae, Oops and Raentina! Congrats to all our nominees! However, the person with the most votes is: Our Resident Nekked Belf Raentina! We sincerely thank you Raentina for all you do for CRD! Pers.





  • In loving memory of Emoondaria's mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Pers.



  • Thank you to all who voted for March's Guildie of the Month. We had several nominations this month. The nominees are, in alphabetical order: Fuzzy, Jinnae, Raentina, Savvywone, Shelly and Suenami. A special thank you to all nominees because we appreciate all you do for CRD, and clearly the guild appreciates you too. The nominee, however, with the most votes is Suenami. Congratulations and thank you! You are a valued member of this guild! Pers.



  • Congratulations Inwe! You won CRD's Lawn Darts Contest. Pers.



  • Congratulations to Thealin who is February's Guildie of the Month! Thank you Thealin for all you do! We admire your knowledge of WoW-lore, and the in-game trivia contests that you so thoughtfully create to challenge us on our lore knowledge. Pers.



  • Savvy won the Sky Golem mount for participating in Thealin's Lore Contest. A special thank you to Thealin for crafting the mount, and devoting the time and effort into writing the lore questions. Much appreciated. Pers.



  • Congratulations to Tyin, our newest Officer. Pers.



  • January's Member of the Month is Slinkie. Congratulations Slinkie! We appreciate your positive personality, dedication and loyality to CRD, and your consistant willingness to help your fellow guildmates. Pers.



  • Are you a Loremaster? Then participate in the WoW-lore Trivia Contest. The winner receives a Sky Golem Mount. Click here for more details. Lots of fun; free to participate. Pers.



  • Congratulations CRD! We did it! Archimonde is defeated. Pers.



  • December's Member of the Month is Budhunter. Congratulations Bud! We appreciate your dedication and commitment to CRD! You're always positive and supportive of other guildies, and a valuable member of our raid team! Pers.



  • Our Archimonde attempt has been uploaded to our Video page. Check it out. Pers.



  • Heroic Hellfire begins January 16, 2016. Let's be ready and do our homework together grinding LFR and Mythics. If you need help do not hesistate to ask an Officer; we're here to help. For reasonable results and progression expectations are:

    • ilevel 685+ with gems/enchants

    • 35K dps/hps

    • Addons: DBM & GTFO

    • Vent is required



  • November's Member of the Month is Emoondaria. Congratulations Emoon! We appreciate your dedication and commitment to CRD!



  • October's Member of the Month is Spinach! Thank you Spinach; we sincerely appreciate all you do for CRD! Pers.



  • Still need the tomes for the legendary ring? Then sign-up for Sorrick's LFR event on Tuesday! Always better to run with guildies! Pers.



  • Our raid progression videos and combat logs are now posted on our FB page and the website -- see Raid Progression,  <Videos and Combat Logs>. A special thank you to Spinach who prepared these logs and videos for our viewing. Pers.



  • Sign-up for Heroic BRF on October 16th. We'll be scheduling a HBRF once a month. Pers.



  • Congratulations Fuzzy. You won the Panther Mount for winning Hotchick's Know Your Lore contest. A special thank you to Hotchick who crafted the mount. Pers.



  • Congratulations Spinach for winning the Battered Hilt Scavenger Hunt! A special thank you to Thealin for writing the clues and generously donating all the prizes. The time and effort you devoted into this contest is very appreciated. Pers.



  • In our interest to promote our Hellfire progression, Saturday's raid will now be three hours in length, beginning at 8:00 pm server and ending at 11:00 pm. We will have two breaks, one at 9:00 and 10:00. By devoting more time to Sat's raid, our intention is to clear Normal Hellfire, get people geared and then schedule Heroic Hellfire. Pers.



  • Congratulations Budsknight. He won a Sandstone Drake for winning CRD's "Hide and Seek Scavenger" contest. Thank you to all who participated, and a special thank you to the Officers who donated their time and gold in making this event a success. Pers.



  • Woot! We cleared Heroic SoO in under 2 hours. Great run. Thanks Oops for hosting Old School. Pers.



  • Great job in BRF. Only 2 bosses left. And we are now RANKED #10 on the realm for Horde Guilds. Awesome guys! Pers.



  • Congratulations to Deriela, our newest Officer! Pers.



  • Congrats! First attempt and we defeated the first two bosses in Hellfire! Cannot wait for next week. Pers.



  • Attention Raiders: Here is CRD's updated Raiding Schedule

Fridays -- Alternating between Old School and BRF

Saturdays -- Beginning July 11th, Hellfire Citadel

Sundays -- Normal Highmaul


To maintain interest in BRF and to add variety, the Officers and I have decided to alternate Old School and BRF on Fridays. Saturdays will be reserved for Hellfire Progression. And Normal Highmaul on Sundays for our Alts or anyone who seeks entry-level raiding experience or support. Therefore, whether you enjoy Old School or Progressive Raiding or something inbetween, we have a raid schedule designed to accommodate everyone. Pers.



  • Congrats CRD! Highmaul is cleared! Next objective is clearing Blackrock Foundry and then off to Hellfire Citadel. Pers.



  • Welcome back Oops to the Officer team! Congrats. Pers.



  • Due to popular demand, Smytra and Oops would like to bring back Challenge Mode Guild Runs. Sign into the Members Lounge and take the poll to help us determine what day of the week best accommodates everyone. Pers.



  • Patch 6.2 is arriving this Tuesday, June 23rd. Click here for a detailed guide of what to expect, and how to be prepared. Pers.



  • How To Unlock Flying in Draenor:

Flying is coming to Draenor in a future patch. "The Draenor Pathfinder" will be a new meta-achievement in 6.2 that rewards the  "Soaring Skyterror" mount as well as the ability to fly in Draenor on all lvl 90+ characters in a slightly later minipatch. For a more detailed guide, click the link.

Quick Reference Requirements:

  • Explore all of Draenor's zones (Explore Draenor)

  • Collect 100 Treasures (Master Treasure Hunter)

  • Complete all major story quests in Draenor (Loremaster of Draenor)

  • Complete 12 specific Apexis Dailies (Securing Draenor)

  • Hit Revered with the three new Tanaan Jungle factions (Tanaan Diplomat): Order of the Awakened, The Saberstalkers, and Vol'jin's Headhunters

Do not despair :). We can schedule some of these requirements as fun guild events.




  • Congrats guys! Impressive raiding progress. H: 6/7; HH: 4/7 and BRF: 5/10. Excellent teamwork. Wish I could have been there. See you next week! Pers.



  • Happy to be back guys! I would like to sincerely thank everyone for your support, and a special thanks to our extraordinary Officers! CRD is an amazing community of people. Pers.



  • It is with great sadness to share with you that our beloved guild member Nenda has passed away. Nenda's Memorial



  • Congratulations to Jinnae and Sorrick -- Jinnae as our newest Guild Officer, and to welcome back Sorrick to the Officer team! Pers.



  • We are on Facebook! Search for Casual Raid Days and send a "request." Thank you Smytra and Deriela for setting up the account! Pers.




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