Warlords of Draenor Raids
In the interest to promote everyone’s enjoyment, the success of the event and CRD's raid progression, the following requirements are expected. When raiding current content, we ask our raiders to regularly attend, play to the best of his/her ability and respect the expectations listed below. These requirements are not meant to discriminate, but rather necessary to promote the success of the group.
Hellfire Citadel
Day: Friday
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 pm server time
Requirements: Item level 675+, min. 22K dps/hps
Contact Oops
Heroic Hellfire Citadel
Day: Saturday
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 pm server time
Item level 685+
Lower tier min. 35K dps/hps
Upper tier min. 45K dps/hps
Contact Savnyourazz
Note: Since we have cleared BRF and Highmaul, we are no
longer scheduling these raids on the calendar. However, if
you are interested please review the requirements below,
express your interest to one of the Officers, and we will
try to accommodate your request.
Normal & Heroic Blackrock Foundry
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Requirements: Item level 675+, min. 22K dps/hps
Contact Oops
Normal & Heroic Highmaul
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Requirements: Item level 630+, min. 15K dps/hps
Contact Hotchick
Additional Requirements
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Silver medal from the Proving Grounds
Required addons: DBM and GTFO
Read and accept our Guild Expectations and Raiding Expectations
Be polite, punctual and prepared with flasks, feasts; and research the fights
Must have Ventrilo
Raid composition accommodates 10-30 players, which allows us to be as inclusive as possible. If you wish to raid current content with us, please respect the expectations and be punctual; otherwise, you risk losing your spot. If you are interested contact any Officer in-game or sign-up on the in-game calendar.
Need Help Meeting the Raid Requirements?
Ask an Officer, we are here to help!
Group up with your guildies and attend Guild Events to earn valour points together:
Normal, Heroic or Mythic Dungeons
Reputation Grinding
Old School Raiding is a great way to introduce entry-level raiding experience
You can purchased 695 gear from Apexis vendors!
Craft and upgrade your gear with valour points to 725!
Need enchants/gems? Ask an Officer!
Deploy your missions for gear and resources!
Consult the WoW Community Quick Links located on our Homepage; Noxxic and Icy Veins are great resources for class and spec rotations!
Raid progression is a team effort. "We are only as good as our team." Let's help each other.