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Normal, Heroic & Mythic Dungeons

Dungeon difficulty range from Normal, Heroic, Mythic and then finally Keystone. As we progress through the expansion, dungeon events will evolve with the needs of the guild, beginning with Normal and Heroic, Mythic and eventually graduating to Keystones. Lower-tier dungeons are no longer formally scheduled on the calendar; however, if you need to run a lower-tiered dungeon, shout-out in guild chat and we will do our best to accommodate. 

Keystone Mythic+ Dungeons

Keystone Mythic Dungeons are the most difficult dungeon-tier, and only available with a Keystone. You earn a Keystone upon completing any regular Mythic dungeon. When you enter a Mythic dungeon with the corresponding Keystone there will be a clickable-pedestal permitting you to upgrade the dungeon. When you upgrade a Mythic dungeon, you not only have to complete the dungeon, but you are racing against a timer and the mechanics of each fight are more challenging.


Based upon your performance and completion of the dungeon, your Keystone upgrades, and you receive loot appropriate to the Mythic difficulty. If you fail to complete the Keystone dungeon within the allotted time, your Keystone downgrades. Keystones also expire on Tuesday reset, so they are only usable for one week. These dungeons provide great practice, preparation and gear for anyone interested in end-game raiding.

Keystones (7-10) with Officer Gnazz -- "Keyz with Gnazz!"

  • Day: Sunday

  • Time: 9:00 am server 

  • Requirements:

    • See in-game calendar for details

  • If interested, sign-up on the in-game calendar or contact Officer Gnazz

Keystones (5-9) with Officer Harima -- "Oh Crap, Keys!"

  • Day: Monday

  • Time: 8:00 pm server 

  • Requirements:

    • See in-game calendar for details

  • If interested, sign-up on the in-game calendar or contact Officer Harima

Keystones (2-4) with Officer Vadailla -- "Weensy Keys!"

  • Day: Thursday

  • Time: 8:00 pm server

  • Requirements:

    • See in-game calendar for details

  • If interested, sign-up on the in-game calendar or contact Officer Vadailla

Additional Requirements for All Dungeon Events


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