General Guild Expectations
We reserve the right to amend the governing policies of CRD as necessary to promote a friendly, mature, and supportive community for all of our members.
You are a representative of Casual Raid Days. Therefore, all guild members are expected to:
be respectful and supportive of others
be a positive contributor to the progression and health of our guild
no swearing and display appropriate behaviour
refrain from making vulgar, derogatory, religious or political comments
be polite, punctual and prepared for guild events
Removal of Members
We will not tolerate abusive, profane or vulgar comments; bullying, racial and religious slurs, or any other behavior that competes with our efforts to foster a welcoming and supportive community. Please follow these expectations; otherwise, you will be issued a warning. If you continue to display inappropriate behavior you will be demoted or removed. Only Officers and the Guild Master can remove a guild member. The removal of any member is done using diplomacy. A brief Officer meeting is conducted and at least 3 Officers must agree to remove said player. Since Officers are expected to represent and enforce the guild rules and expectations, they are held at a higher standard, and thus inappropriate behavior from an Officer is unacceptable. Please forward any Officer related concerns to the Guild Master.
Guild Ranking Information
All "Members" are permitted to invite new recruits and all recruits will be promoted to "Initiate." Please direct all new recruits to our website to become familiar with what we offer and expect.
Rank promotions are determined by Officers and the Guild Master. Rank is awarded to the PERSON not the toon. Therefore, all your characters will be granted the same rank. It is the person who is deserving of the rank. If you are a mature, supportive and respectful member you will advance in rank. You do not have to be a "raider" to be an Officer. Your rank reflects your attitude, behaviour and positive contribution to the health and progression of our guild.
If you are inviting a new recruit, please record in the in-game roster as "Main." If you are inviting someone's "alt" please record in the in-game roster "---'s alt" and ensure his/her alt reflects the same rank as his/her main. Only Officers have access to the "Notes" section of the roster.
Guild Rank
Initiate: A period of probation and:
very limited access to the guild bank
is not entitled to guild repairs
Member: A member who plays infrequently or beginning to advance in rank because he/she is respecting guild expectations, and displaying mature, supportive and contributing behavior, with:
limited access to the guild bank
200 gold guild repair allowance
Veteran Member: A loyal, reliable and helpful member who regularly plays, contributes to the guild bank and supports his/her fellow guild members, with:
access to the guild bank
600 gold guild repair allowance
Emeritus Officer: A former Officer who plays occasionally or is retired, but remains an honorary Officer to recognize his/her important and appreciated contribution to the guild, with:
access to the guild bank
400 gold guild repair allowance
Officer Banker: Hotchick is our guild auctioneer and venture capitalist. From recipe mats to crafted items, she auctions these items to earn gold for the guild bank. She also keeps the guild bank organized and ensures we have enough mats to provide feasts and cauldrons during raid progression. Hotchick is also an Officer, with:
full access to the guild bank
1000 gold guild repair allowance
decision-making privileges
Officer: A mature, trustworthy, loyal, reliable, helpful and contributing member. Officers have the added responsibility of attending weekly meetings, representing and enforcing guild expectations, promoting conflict resolution, and addressing guild interest and concerns. Only Officers are permitted to schedule and/or supervise raids and events.
Our Officers volunteer their time to research, schedule and host guild raids and events; maintain the guild website, organize the guild bank, and promote the health and progression of the guild and its members. Therefore, we sincerely value and respect our Officers, and extend trust and authority to them to make decisions based on the best interest of the guild, with:
full access to the guild bank
1000 gold guild repair allowance
decision-making privileges
If you are interested in becoming an Officer, please express your interest to any Officer or the Guild Master. Your interest will be considered at the next Officer meeting.