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Keystone Master Guild Event

"Keys Are Pain" Event -- Keys 10+

This event is about pushing keys as far as we can over a season, as a guild. Initially, our objective is for everyone participating to obtain all their portals (i.e. time all dungeons at key level 10). We will be running this similar to how we run our heroic raid, in that there will be tougher requirements initially, and towards the end of the season, once our goal has been accomplished, we’ll relax these and help as many people as possible get their achievements! This is going to be a progression oriented group. We will brick keys - probably a lot - and learn and improve our play. This won’t be a crest/gear/vault farm group.


In terms of requirements, they will look like this:

  1. For damage dealers, you’ll have to do a lot of damage (duh). This really matters. You’ll be expected to figure out when to use your offensive cooldowns in each dungeon to maximize our group’s efficiency. The tank will work to setup pulls that facilitate this in a predictable manner.

  2. Tank(s) is(are) expected to learn where all the tank busters are, how to counter them with their kit, and figure out when and how to pull big. They are expected to learn the right pacing of pulls, and adjust/increase this over the season as we get better.

  3. Healer(s) is(are) expected to learn all the damage patterns, when and how to deploy their healing cooldowns, what dispels are needed, etc. Healers are expected to keep an eye on the team’s deployment of defensives, react with externals when appropriate, and provide feedback to group members on how to improve defensive use.

  4. That said, everyone is expected to figure out where to use what defensive to prevent one-shots and lessen the burner on the healer. This cannot be overstated - success in Mythic+ is 100% dependent on everyone doing this properly. Over time, your “cooldown uptime” for defensives should trend towards 100% - you shouldn’t be sitting on them once you know a given dungeon.

  5. Everyone is expected to help with interrupts and dispels. There will be rules for interrupting and stopping mobs, which everyone is expected to follow. There will probably be shot calling - at least some of the time - and everyone is expected to follow the instructions of the shot caller.


Initially, we will be fielding a single group during this event. To improve, we’ll need to have some consistency in attendance. We will rotate people into the runs, assuming we have more than 5. The runs will be streamed, and it is expected that those not in a run will be watching and learning with the 5 in the dungeon. We will take time to debrief after runs as needed, and look over logs. (And yes, all runs will be logged.)

Keys Are Pain with Officer Scahl

  • Day: Sunday

  • Time: 8:00 - 11:00 pm server

  • Required Addons: 

    • CurseForge: OmniCD -- Party Cooldown Tracker -- shows you all of your teammates offensive and defensive cooldowns, as well as group interrupts (a must have)

    • Quazii: Quazii Plater Nameplates Profile -- allows you to track caster and cleave mobs, cast targets, dangerous casts and more

    • Wago [RM+] shows the needed forces count percentage at convenient points in the dungeon (before bosses, before points of no return, etc)

  • If interested, sign-up on the in-game calendar or contact Officer Scahl

Additional Requirements for All Dungeon Events

  • Required addons: DBM and GTFO and dps/hps meter

  • Read and accept our Guild Expectations and Raiding Expectations

  • Be polite, punctual and prepared with flasks, feasts; and research the fights

  • Must have Discord -- link provided in-game


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