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Chapter 1: Death of Gul’dan

Written by Harima


            The Nighthold, Suramar City. The time had finally arrived, the final assault against Gul’dan had begun to stop his summoning of Sargeras. Elisande and all his host lay dead in the tower beneath him. His personal guards and priests dead at his own feet. Still, he continued the ritual even as he fought off the desperate attacks of the combined forces of the Alliance, Horde and the Armies of the Legionfall, through all this, he knew that he would not fail; they were too weak, unwilling to do what needed to be done to stop him.

            “Push on! His will is breaking, I can feel it!” Khadgar shouts his encouragements to his forces.

            Harima looked at Gul’dan from her position, something wasn’t right, he was almost smiling and he seemed to be gaining in strength as he fought. How, how can he have so much power left in him? She watched him closely for a few moments and then, just as he started to cast another spell she saw it, a quick small thing that most wouldn’t ever notice but it was unmistakable. As he began to cast his spell a small gem around his neck gave off a glow of green energy that was quickly absorbed into Gul’dan. She knew what it was; she knew what was giving him so much power. A Soul Prism, a gem that contained Gul’dan’s own soul inside it, the source of all his power.

            Harima knew what she needed to do now, but timing was of the greatest essence, and time was running out for all of them. The only way to reach the soul prism was a direct attack to the front of Gul’dan, the slightest miss-timing would mean her death at the hands of Gul’dan himself. She looked around and saw the bodies of those who had fallen to him already, both Horde and Alliance together, would she now join them? If I die so be it, but let my death have meaning, she thought to herself. But her time had come, it was now or never; she made her move, had she timed it right? Harima didn’t hesitate and she danced her way in close to Gul’dan, so close that she could now feel his hot breath against her. Time seemed to have slowed to a stop as she moved in closer and closer, the Soul Prism hung in front of her eyes; its green light reflecting in them. She swung her dagger to strike; Gul’dan smiled knowing that her strike would do little damage to him even this close in, but his smile turned to a look of shock as he realized too late that he was not the target of her strike. He tried to strike her away but he was too late. Her dagger flashed with green light from the Soul Prism as the blade struck the gem. “What have you done?” Gul’dan whispered at her as his concentration on the ritual was shattered as the dagger struck the Soul Prism.

            Time seemed to speed back to normal as the Soul Prism exploded in a blast of green light. She felt herself hurtled through the air from the blast, then an explosion of pain and a loud crack of stone breaking as she passed through the staff of a statue and another explosion of pain as she felt herself slam into the base of the statue. She crumpled to the ground and did not move, the last thing her eyes saw was the sightless eyes of Gul’dan staring at her as his body was engulfed by the magical fires of the disrupted ritual mixed with the green fires of the destruction of the Soul Prism. She felt herself falling into blackness. Her gamble had worked; they had won, and she can rest now, all will be well now.

* * * * *

            Thalyssra walked out into the carnage of the Font of Night, the battle had lasted for more than fifteen minutes, and no one would ever know how close they had come to defeat. She surveyed the bodies that had been covered by blankets, both Alliance and Horde who had died to stop Gul’dan’s ritual. Many injured were being tended to by priests and other healers; their wounds were various, magical burns to cuts and broken bones. She moved among them, seeming to be looking for one in particular but stopping here and there to thank many of those still around for all the work they did.

            Finally Thalyssra’s eyes found what she had been looking for, a Night Elf who lay unmoving at the base of one of the statues. The stone staff of the statue had been broken off near the base and the broken stone lay on the ground not far from the Night Elf. Her helm had been removed and her red hair was splayed out over the ground, a look of peace was on her face. Harima was a beautiful Night Elf with finely cut facial features. Her figure was lithe and agile, and her leather armor fitting tightly over her body. She was being tended to by an equally beautiful Blood Elf with long white hair.

            Thalyssra walked over to Harima and the Paladin tending to her, “Prophyria,” She said as she came up to them, “How is she? Does she live?” she indicated with a look to Harima.

            Prophyria nodded, “She lives,” she spoke softly then looked down at her hands that were covered in blood. She saw her armor for the first time since the battle ended and noted that the normal radiantly golden armor was dented and covered in blood, her own as well as others she had tended to. “I never thought a rogue from the Alliance and their vaunted SI-7 was capable of fighting the way this one has, willing to sacrifice her life to do what needed to be done.” She paused looking back up at Thalyssra, “Harima destroyed Gul’dan’s Soul Prism, broke his concentration on the ritual, but she was right next to him when the magical blast from the Soul Prism mixing with the magical energies of the ritual went off, she was flung here. I got here just in time to save her. She draws breath but barely. It will be some time for her to fully recover. I hope I can be there when she wakes again, to thank her.”

            Thalyssra smiled at Prophyria and placed an arm around her. “Harima has proven to be a true value to all of our efforts here in Suramar, as have you and CRD, if it is at all possible I will try to make sure you are there when she wakes.” Thalyssra looked around again, “I have made the hospital here in Suramar City open to all; we will start moving these wounded to there. For Harima, I will care for her personally. She will be moved to my residence here in the city. It is the least I can do for her.”

            Prophyria returned Thalyssra’s smile with a sad smile and embraced Thalyssra in a hug in thanks. They parted and Prophyria moved off to help with the moving of the injured. Thalyssra knelt down next to Harima, pulled her up into her arms and lifted her limp body. She could feel Harima’s shallow breath against her neck, “You saved my people, allow me to show my thanks to you now.” Outside the Nighthold she briefly addressed her people and then made her way to her residence in the city, once there she got Harima out of her armor, washed, and settled into bed. Once Harima had been settled in, she did the same for herself. She tried to sleep but sleep wouldn’t come, she found herself curled into a ball on her bed and for the first time in her life she wept. The nightmare had finally ended, for her and for her people.

* * * * *

            Harima awoke startled. There was a flash of light and a loud low boom. It was dark. She was in a bed, and could feel the blankets over her naked body. She was in a room somewhere, but where? There was another flash of red light followed by another low boom and now she understood, fireworks, there was a celebration going on. Her eyes slowly adjusted and came into focus. She slid out from under the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed; the cool night air felt good against her skin. She stood up and slowly walked over to the window where the light from the fireworks was coming through. Looking out the city of Suramar lay before her, she could see all the lights from celebrations going on throughout the city.

There were additional flashes of light from fireworks that illuminated her naked form in the window, and

brought her attention to a table that stood near the window. There were two things on the table that caught her attention, one was a piece of parchment that was written on with a delicate elven writing, the other a plate of sliced fruit and her stomach made a noise of hunger. With one hand she picked up a slice of fruit and began to take a bit, with her other she lifted the parchment and began to read.


My Dear Friend,

I hope this letter finds you well and if you are reading it that means I was not able to be

present when you woke. Today Suramar City celebrates our homecoming. I will be spending this

day in the gardens hosting many of those who helped to bring about this wondrous homecoming.

If you feel up to it, I would be pleased for you to join me, just find one of the servants, they will

bring you to where I am. If not, I will see you when you are able.

                                                                        Your Friend,



            She smiled and set the note back on the table, picked up the plate of fruit and began to head for the washroom, knowing Elven architecture she knew there would be one in the chamber and she moved as if she already knew where it was. She entered a room that was across from the bed and to her surprise found that the wash basin was filled with steaming water. She smiled to herself setting the plate of fruit down near the edge of the basin and climbed in. She immersed herself completely. Her red hair floating around her, when she raised her head back above the water she let out a loud gasp. It had been far too long since she had been able to take a hot bath. She lay her head against the cool edge of the basin and images began to swirl in her mind. One image seemed to linger. It was Gul’dan’s sightless eyes, eyes that burrowed into her own, eyes that flickered red with flame, the flaming eyes of Sargeras.

            She started awake with a splash and sat up in the basin with her head in her hands weeping. After a few moments she gathered herself and gave out a soft sigh, she stood up, water ran down her soft skin and she reached for a towel. She stepped out of the basin and began to dry herself off. As she dried her hair she walked over to the foot of the bed where she found an evening gown had been laid out for her. It was a dark midnight blue that matched well with her red hair; it was elegant, far fancier than she had ever owned. The silk flowed over her smooth skin and accented every curve of her body, and she blushed slightly as she looked at herself in a mirror. Brushing her hair dry, she let it fall down her back, falling nearly to her waist and found that the gown highlighted this and she even found it breath taking at her own look. Ready, she left the room and found a servant just outside.

            A Nightborn servant led Harima into the gardens to where Thalyssra was hosting her guests; the servant bowed and departed. The gardens were well kept and the flowers in full bloom. It was from these flowers that there was light to see the garden paths as the glowed in luminescent blues, reds and purples, the affect was stunning and her gown seemed to come to life as well as it reacted to the lights of the flowers, luminescing in swirling colors of dark blue, red and purple.

            It was to these sights that Harima started to hear voices, a great number of voices all talking at once, the sound of a celebration in full swing. She came around a corner and stopped. She counted at least thirty or more people, most of them Nightborn with members of other races mixed in as well, both Alliance and Horde. Some of these people she knew, most she did not. Among those she recognized were Khadgar, Valtrois and Ly’leth. There was also a gnome here that she would know anywhere, as she was a good friend whom she knew as Shortie, all of the guests were grouped together in small groups. Finally she saw the host of this party, Thalyssra. She was making her way around each of the groups stopping to speak with each of them, laughing at jokes and telling stories.

When she saw Thalyssra she felt a warm sensation sweep through her. She didn’t know what it meant, only

that she felt at peace when looking at her. Thalyssra was wearing a gown even more elaborate than her own; it was deep red and also accentuated every curve. Her hair fell down over her shoulders, hair that used to be white with age and wear now shined silver, reflecting the night’s light, and then suddenly many different colors as more fireworks went off in the sky. At this all eyes looked to the sky to watch, all except for Thalyssra’s, which stopped as they saw Harima standing at the edge of the path.


Thalyssra moved swiftly, almost running to Harima, this went unnoticed by the guests as there were

transfixed by the fireworks. When Thalyssra reached her she pulled Harima into a tight hug. “It’s good to see you up and about again, I was growing worried.” Harima felt the warmth in her words and the feel of Thalyssra’s arms around her conveyed more than her words could ever have. Harima put her arms around Thalyssra returning her hug.

After a few moments Harima pulled back a little to look into Thalyssra’s eyes, “How long was I out?”

“Four days now, as I said, I was starting to worry.” Harima’s eyes widened and she took a step back in shock

as Thalyssra continued, “You’ve been through a great deal, that final battle took a lot out of you. Do you remember everything?

Harima shook her head, “I don’t remember much; it’s all a blur.”

Thalyssra nodded, “It will come back in time.” She smiled and pulled Harima close again, “Everything will be

alright now. Come, there are many here who would like to speak with you, as I mentioned in my note, we have retaken Suramar City. Those who followed Elisande have either fled or pledged themselves to the new authority here.”


Thalyssra led Harima over to the guests and she was first reunited with her friend Shortie, embracing her

in a big hug. As she made her way through the other guest she learned how the Nightfallen had reclaimed Suramar City, how the forces of the Legion have withdrawn due to the loss of Gul’dan, presumably regrouping. Throughout the evening everything began to blur, only when she would look to Thalyssra would everything become clear, Thalyssra never left Harima’s side for the rest of the evening.

The conversations through the evening eventually turned to talk of Gul’dan and his final moments, the

final battle. Harima listened as others spoke of what happened, but her mind wandered; she suddenly found herself looking in the direction of the Nighthold. Suddenly all the voices turned into a clash of weapons and it all came back to her at once. All the battles of that day, ending with Gul’dan’s eyes staring at her. Those eyes burned into her, red and flaming, the continued to blaze even though Gul’dan was dead, those eyes of flame burned into her very soul. “Harima, I see you, I am coming for you.” The eyes grew larger and larger, consuming her. Harima screamed and there was a crash of breaking glass.

Thalyssra was at her side in an instant; her arm around her to help support her and Harima finally came

back to herself. She opened her eyes and saw everyone looking at her in concern. She cleared her throat, “Forgive me, I guess I am not as fully recovered as I thought.” She then turned to look at Thalyssra and said softly to her, “I should go, lay down, please forgive me.”

Thalyssra nodded and tightened her arm around Harima, “I will walk you there.”


“But your guests, you can’t just leave them for me.”

“I also grow weary of this party. I have been here all day; they will understand, give me just a moment to

excuse myself.” Without giving Harima a chance to argue Thalyssra spoke to her guests, “If you will all pardon me, I would like to thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate this great day, I am however exhausted and I must excuse myself, there is still much to do in the coming days. But I beg you, please stay as long as you wish. The servants will provide refreshments as long as needed. Thank you all again and have a good night..

With a smile to Harima she began to lead the way back to the main building back through the gardens.

Harima felt a great sense of comfort having Thalyssra’s arm around her, and she rested her head against her shoulder. As they walked, Harima started to become much more acutely aware of Thalyssra, the warmth of her body pulsing against her own, the feel of her muscles as they took each step. Harima felf her own pulse begin to quicken and again a sense of a great bond forming between them. She could also feel Thalyssra’s pulse quickening in the same way as her own.

Reaching Harima’s room, Thalyssra closed the door behind them and once more Harima tried to apologize

for disrupting the party, but Thalyssra placed a single finger on Harima’s lips and spoke softly into her ear. “Shhhh, no more words tonight; we have both been through a great deal, tonight we will comfort each other, but no more words are necessary.” With that Thalyssra wrapped her arms around Harima and pulled her close. Her lips pressed gently to Harima’s and Harima felt her own arms slide around Thalyssra drawing her tightly to her, feeling each others warmth as their bodies slid tightly together. Harima pulled back slightly and looked Thalyssra in the eyes, smiled and thought to herself, let tomorrow bring what it will, tonight we have each other. Their lips met again and Harima let everything go, surrendering to the passion between them. Her hands moved softly over Thalyssra’s back finding the edge of the gown, pulling it down it slid smoothly down their bodies and she felt Thalyssra do the same to her. Harima felt herself falling again, and she felt the softness of the bed on her back, they weight of Thalyssra on top of her as her hands move along Thalyssra. She felt Thalyssra’s hands moving along her own body and slowly she felt a heat growing inside her. She felt the same heat from Thalyssra as their bodies wrapped together. She reached out for that heat wanting it to wash over her, to burn her in its light.

Everything was light.

Chapter 2: Homecoming

Harima awoke the next day, at the same moment her eyes opened Thalyssra’s opened. Their eyes met and

they smiled at each other, both feeling for the first time a great sense of peace. Their bodies were still entwined with each other; they each could feel every slight movement the other made and it sent a tingling sensation across their skin. From the amount of light coming in through the windows it was midday. After a time of cuddling with each other, Thalyssra began to untangle herself from Harima.

            “As much as I would like to simply stay just like this forever, what I told my guests last night was true, there is a great deal of work that must still be done.” Thalyssra sighed after she spoke and continued to lay there in Harima’s arms.

            Finally after a bit longer they both got up out of the bed and made their way to the washroom.

            “What are the next steps for your people?” The wash basin was already filled with steaming water, Thalyssra stepped into the basin and settle down into the water, then motioned for Harima to join her before answering.

            “The greatest task before us is to find all the withered who have scattered throughout the Broken Isles and get the Leyline fruit to them; we need to bring back and heal as many as we can.” Harima stepped into the basin as Thalyssra spoke and sat down in front of Thalyssra, leaning her back against her, rubbing against her just a little to settle in. “There are also the Legion forces in our lands who still need to be dealt with. The leadership of our people also needs to be determined; we don’t want to be in another situation like what brought our people to this point.”

            Thalyssra’s hands caressed Harima’s arms letting the water run down their bodies; it felt amazing to her now, she continued speaking, “It is a lot, but none of this would be possible if not for you, your friends in the Alliance and for the Horde, all together. One thing that is for sure, our doors here in Suramar City shall always remain open to others now; we can no longer seclude ourselves from the rest of the world.” Thalyssra’s arms wrapped around Harima pulling her tight to her; her hands cupping Harima’s breasts. It was at this moment that there came the voice of a servant calling out from the entrance of the bedroom from the hallway.

            “My lady, please forgive the intrusion, a guest has arrived looking to speak with the Lady Harima. She said that she will wait in your study as she understands that your hands may be full at the moment.” The calmness of his voice told them that he had no idea how accurate those words truly were. Thalyssra’s hands gave a gentle squeeze and the both began to laugh.

            “Give her anything she needs and let her know we will be down shortly.”

* * * * *

            Several hours after the guest had arrived, the gnome had made herself comfortable on a couch reading a book when Thalyssra and Harima entered the study. “Ah, there the two of you are,” she marked her place in the book, set it down and stood, a smile lit her face as her gaze met Harima. Ignoring any formalities, Harima moved quickly and scooped up her friend in a hug.

            “Shortie! It is so good to see you my friend.” Her smile lit up her eyes and Thalyssra smiled at them.

            “And I you, my old friend.” They embraced for a moment longer than parted and turned to greet Thalyssra, this greeting was much more formal. With the greetings out of the way, Thalyssra called a servant to bring fresh food and drink. They sat and made small talk as they ate and drank. As the talk started to subside along with the food, Shortie turned to Harima with a more serious look on her face.

            “As much as I enjoy this time, I did actually have a purpose in coming to see you. King Anduin and the City Council would like to meet with you. They gave me this to give you; it’s a letter of summons, as well as passage on an airship from New Dalaran to Stormwind.” Shortie handed the document to Harima and waited.

            Harima took the document with a nod, knowing it had only been a matter of time before this. “I knew that I would have to make a report at some point,” She looked at Thalyssra, “Besides, I have imposed upon Thalyssra’s hospitality long enough and she has a great deal to see to herself for her people.”

            Thalyssra smiled back, “As much as it isn’t any imposition at all, you are right, there is much I need to attend to.”

            As if to emphasize her statement a servant entered the room and addressed Thalyssra, “My Lady, a messenger from the council arrived a moment ago; he asked me to give you this.” she finished and held out a scroll to Thalyssra who took at and started to read.

            “Tell the messenger to let the Council know that I will be at the meeting this evening. Thank you.” The servant inclined her head and left.

            Harima smiled at Thalyssra, “Well, I think that answers that; Shortie, will you give me a little bit to gather my things and say my farewells?” Shortie smiled and sat back down on the couch and opened up the book to the place she had marked. Harima and Thalyssra left the room and each went to their own room; Thalyssra to begin to get ready for the Council meeting, Harima to her room to gather her belongings. Within the hour they were once more in the study with Shortie.

            “I hope to not be away for too long, once I’ve finished back in Stormwind I’ll come back and help you here as much as I can.”

            “I will be happy to have it, and to see you again soon.” Thalyssra hugged Harima tightly and kissed her. After a few moments they pulled away from each other and left the manor home together, once outside they parted and made their ways to their respective appointments. Thalyssra to the council chambers, Shortie and Harima to the griffon post to fly to New Dalaran and from there by airship to Stormwind.

* * * * *

The flight to Stormwind was quiet and uneventful, until they got within sight of the city. They could see the

throngs of people beginning to line the main streets leading from the docks all the way to the palace. At the docks they could see what looked like a staging area for a procession. Harima felt her stomach lurch and went to find Shortie; she only needed to turn around to find her.

“A parade ... How did they know I would be arriving now?” Shortie at least had the dignity to look ashamed,

“You know I don’t like parades, there I work in the shadows. I hate being the center of attention.”

“I know my friend, but I had my orders too. Once we boarded I sent a message back letting them know we

were on the way. I am sorry. The city council wanted to celebrate the heroes who defeated and killed Gul’dan. It has been a long while since the people of Stormwind have had heroes to celebrate.” Shortie reached up and took Harima’s hand, “I’m sorry, I should have told you.”

Harima gave her hand a quick squeeze to let her know she wasn’t mad. “No, if you had told me I probably

would not have come and you’re right, these people need something to celebrate.” Harima leaned over the railing and sighed, “Come on, we will be landing soon, we should get ready.” By the time Harima came back out of her cabin, the airship had docked and the crew was just finishing tying everything down prior to disembarking. The other passengers were already lined up and waiting to depart.

When Harima stepped out of her room it was in her full set of armor, the leather polished to a shine, the

dark reds and purples setting a striking contrast against the golds. Her red hair fell down over her shoulders, her helmet she carried in her hand cradled to her elbow. Her blades in crossing sheaths across her back. She found and joined Shortie at the end of the line of passengers in queue and waited to depart. When they finally reached the dock, they were met by a small group of guards and escorted to the staging area. It was here where Harima started to see people she recognized, people she had fought with against the Legion.

As others saw Harima, a quiet began to settle over the area as once by one, they all stood to face her and

gave a salute as she passed until everyone in the staging area stood saluting. Harima blushed as she acknowledged their show of respect. She made her way to her place in the lineup and the parade began moments later winding its way through the streets of Stormwind. The cheers that went up were deafening as their heroes marched past on their way through the city. The parade circled around the main Avenue around the cathedral crossing the Bridge of Light and following the path to the very steps of the cathedral, from there it wound its way through Olde Town and the Dwarven District before ending at the keep where King Anduin Wrynn and the city council all waited.

When the heroes reached the King, he moved out to greet each of them in turn, saying a few quiet words

to each as he moved down the line. At this same time crowds of nobles and other city fold began to fill the courtyard. Finally he came to Harima and spoke a few whispered words to which she nodded. Harima and Anduin turned and walked up to the crenelated wall overlooking the courtyard and the gathered crowd, Anduin raised his hands to silence the crowd.

“I give you the heroes and champions of the Nighthold campaign. All here standing before you fought

bravely to bring about victory and freeing Suramar from the grasp of the Legion.” He paused as a deafening roar of cheers erupted from the gathered throng. “Here now, here now I present to you one who was personally responsible for the death of our nemesis Gul’dan, a foe who we have fought now for decades back to the first war with the Horde. It was her actions that made it possible for the ritual at the Nightwell to summon Sargeras was stopped. I give you Harima Starfall. Defender of the Shattered World.” Anduin turned to face Harima and raised his arms to the sky, a signal for the crowd to cheer, and cheer they did; it was louder even than before and lasted several minutes and all Harima could do was smile and wave.

Finally Harima put up her hands to call for quiet, once the cheer subsided she spoke, “Please, please do not

cheer for me alone, without all these other heroes and many others who are not here, I would not have been able to take the actions I did. We must remember those who died to bring about this great victory, honor those who helped accomplish this task. We must also remember that the Legion is still powerful and it is still out there, waiting. There is still much to be done before the end.”

Anduin stepped forward as Harima finished, “Wise words Harima,” he spoke to her so no one else could

her and then turned to face the courtyard once more. “Please, everyone enjoy the festivities throughout the city.” With a final wave to the crowd he turned, placed a hand on Harima’s shoulder to lead her back and into the palace. Once inside, they made their way to the council chamber, as they walked Anduin spoke softly to Harima, “I am very glad to see you well, when I heard what happened I feared ... I’m glad you are here.”

“It is good to be here, though I must admit that I am glad that is over with. I understand the need for it, I’ve

just never been one for the spotlight.” Anduin could only smile at her as at that moment they entered the council room and everyone began to take their places around the table. It was here that Harima first noticed a change. She knew everyone here save for one; he was new to this council. She also noticed that Master Matthias Shaw, head of the SI-7 and a leader of the Uncrowned in New Dalaran, was not present and that this new man sat in the place where Master Shaw would have sat. She noted all these things but said nothing; there was protocol to these meetings to follow and this wasn’t a good enough reason to break that protocol.

This meeting was slightly different than other meetings in that they seemed to gloss over many of the

usual topics and it moved quickly to a debriefing by Harima of all the events inside the Nighthold. This took quite a bit of time as many more specific questions were asked that required a great deal of detail to answer. Finally though the questions came to an end and other matters began to be discussed, the council satisfied with what had happened in the Nighthold campaign.

It was at this time that the man Harima had noted before stood up and the room became silent. “My

apologies for this break in protocol,” the man began, his voice was smooth, a practiced courtier, used to addressing people of this station, “but I just received a report that I think you all should hear. Several small villages and outposts have recently been attacked by forces that appear to be from the Horde.”

The room was silent for a moment, then everyone began talking at once, some quietly to one or two

others, others were shouting, decrying the Horde as villains. Some asked for an immediate and deadly response to teach the upstart Horde a lesson. Others seeking to send out an army to prevent further losses. Only the King, Harima and the man who gave the report remained silent. After a few moments Anduin and Harima’s eyes met, Anduin rolled his eyes and slammed his fist down on the table with a loud crashing boom that echoed in the chamber. The room silenced immediately as all eyes turned to look at him. Anduin then looked to Harima.


Harima spoke softly and evenly, “This doesn’t add up. Why would the Horde choose now to make these

attacks? They have suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Legion, much heavier losses than we have.”

The other man who had been silent since giving his report now looked at Harima and spoke, “The Horde

cannot be trusted, and they deserve the losses they have suffered for betraying and abandoning us on the Broken Shore. It would have been a quick end to this conflict with the Legion if those cowards had one shred of honor in them.”

Harima looked at the man as he spoke, into his eyes, she did not like what she saw there, it put a sour taste

in her mouth. She did not know what it was that she saw and did not like, but she would not allow this man to trample her memory of friends and comrades, both living and those who had died, some so that she would live. She responded to him, ice in her eyes as she stared at him, “I have fought with many from the Horde,” and now there was heat in her voice, as if her words would burn the man alive, “There is far more courage in the least of them than there is in this entire room, and far more honorable.”

The man stood up and shouted, fire burning in his eyes, “HOW DARE YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU



Harima remained seated and returned the man’s glare, but when she spoke her voice was calm and filled

with ice; her glare freezing any further outbursts, “Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to sit in that chair? Where is Master Shaw?” Fire blossomed in the man’s eyes and he opened his mouth to speak …

“ENOUGH!” There was a second thunderclap in the room as Anduin’s hand struck the table again. Anduin

spoke in a calm voice but one that brooked no nonsense, “Harima is my guest and she will be treated as such.” The King stared at each of the councilmen in turn and satisfied with what he saw turned to Harima, “Harima, I apologize, there wasn’t time before this meeting to bring you up to speed on recent events and changes. Matthais Shaw is no longer the head of SI-7; he is being allowed to concentrate more fully on his role with the Uncrowned. This is Marcus Notleigh; he is the new head of SI-7.”

Harima looked back at Marcus and in a warmer voice spoke to him, “My apologies to you, I did not know

you. It takes a great deal for me to come to trust someone and I don’t know you.”

The fire in Marcus’ eyes died away and he smiled, “No apologies needed, I completely understand your

feelings; I would expect nothing less from our best agent. Please forgive my ... unfortunate words.” Harima nodded in acceptance of his apology.

Anduin smiled and then in a more serious tone of business, “Marcus, all you have brought us is a report,

no evidence. I want you to send a team to investigate. I won’t mobilize any forces until we know more about the nature of what we are dealing with. Thank you everyone, you are all dismissed, I have a lot to get Harima caught up on. Harima, if you would join me for a drink?” With that everyone got up and left. Anduin and Harima retired to a more private setting.

* * * * * 

It was late that evening when Harima finally left the palace. Anduin had filled her in on everything that

was going on here in Stormwind since the last time that had seen each other. She made her way to her home here in Stormwind, but her mind was elsewhere and she walked right past it. Something was wrong, she didn’t know what, but there was a feel of something not right. Soon she found herself standing on a bridge near the Cathedral of Light overlooking the waterway. Tonight the water was still like a mirror and she stared into it, thinking. Her hands came across a loose stone and without thinking she tossed it into the water, the smooth surface splashed up and ripples flowed out from the impact. She watched the ripples intently for a few moments, then turned her gaze back to where she had found the rock. Slowly she looked around, then to the ground where she stood, then back at the water, to the walls where the waves that were generated from the ripples of that small piece of stone now lapped against. She stared for a long time.

        Her eyes widened, “Son of a bitch.” she said to the water and then moved off almost at a run toward the docks.

Chapter 3: Visions

Harima sat down at a table in the Legerdemain Lounge in New Dalaran, at this table also sat a gentleman

who never even paused in his meal as she sat down across from him, Matthais Shaw. "Harima, a pleasant surprise, I thought you had returned to Stormwind city."


"I did return; however, I learned a few things that now I need some answers to –." She orders a meal and

drink when the waitress arrives to the table and then continues to speak when the waitress walkes away, "– and a few of those things are about you."


Shaw pauses in his meal at that moment and looks at her with a quizzical eye, "And what is it that you

learned about me?" "That you are no longer the head of SI-7; this was a considerable shock, especially considering that I learned of it in the presence of the full King’s council." "What was the reason you were told for my departure?" He asks around several bites of food; his voice calm and even.


Harima takes his calmness with unease. This wasn't like him to be so calm about this; SI-7 had been his

life. "I was told that you wanted to focus more of your time and efforts with The Uncrowned." She pauses to see his reaction; there was none. "While I certainly understand the importance of what The Uncrowned is doing, I never thought I'd see you step aside from SI-7, not after everything we've been through.


Shaw takes several more mouthfuls of food before speaking; his eyes looking intently into hers, almost

asking if he is willing her to understand something. "Well, you are right," he says and after a brief pause continues, "The Uncrowned is far more important than the SI-7 will ever be. What The Uncrowned does now will have lasting ramifications far greater than what SI-7 could ever hope to accomplish." He pauses again and his eyes almost looks past her now. "With that in mind, do you really think I could remain in charge of SI-7? No, best that I step aside and let others take the lead." He takes the last couple of bites of his meal and stands, "I hope that I've made my intentions clear and this puts an end to any further questions you had of me. Now, I have a meeting that I need to get to with the Legionfall council." Shaw started to walk out but he pauses at her shoulder and places a hand on it, "It was good to see you again." He spoke in a whisper; this sounded almost like his old self again, even his face had slightly changed, but just as quickly he became rigid again, looked away and walked out of the Lounge.


Harima watches him leave then turns back to her own food, slowly she begins to eat but she tastes none

of the food; her mind is lost in thought. Something is wrong, something nagged at the back of her mind. Most of what he had said seemed very out of character for him. Why did he say some of the things he said? He was a good friend, yet he had been cold and short with her now. Why? They had been through too much together for him to be so short with her now. Something else is going on here – his eyes, the looks he gave me, there was more meaning to those looks than what his words said. Slowly she begins to take in her surroundings, taking in everything and everyone. There were many humans here, far more than she ever remembered being in here at one time. Maybe it's nothing; the Alliance is after all a large portion of the Legionfall forces here. Yet something nagged at the back of her mind. She finished her meal and took out coin to pay for it and slowly left the Lounge.


Once outside she makes her way to the stables. Inside she is greeted by Sarin who gives a cry of greeting

and flexes her maroon feathered wings. Harima strokes the soft feathers on Sarin's neck and she clucks happy to see her. "It's good to see you too my friend, are you ready to get out of here for a bit?" In response Sarin lowers herself so that Harima could climb onto her back with ease. Once on Sarin's back and secured, they take off and quickly leave Dalaran behind. Harima led Sarin out over Azsuna, everything below seemed quiet for once, the forests of Val'Sharah calm and peaceful. Her eyes looked across the sky and came to rest upon the spire of the Nighthold. She closed her eyes and once again she was on top of that spire facing Gul'dan; his ancient Orc face looked at her and smiled; his eyes blazing fire. "You think you've won?" He laughed, "This war hasn't even begun, your pitiful Alliance will not last, no matter what you do." His deep laughter boomed out at her and her eyes snapped open, the laughter echoing in her mind. Then another image appeared in her mind. The Bridge of Light, water lapping against the stones beneath the bridge ... more laughter ... the bridge crumbling ... laughter ... the Cathedral of Light, crumbling, falling ... laughter ... the city walls, the castle all crumbling ... laughter, the hideous laughter. "All of this, you do on your own, my hand plays no part in this." His laughter and his eyes blazing into her soul.


"NOOOOO!!!!" There is a loud screech and Harima's eyes snap open, the laughter gone, the images

gone. She leans down resting herself against Sarin's neck, "I'm ok," she says and there is a calmer screech from Sarin, "You're right, there is someplace I need to be now." When she looks around she is surprised to see that they were already flying over the walls to Thalyssra's home, a few moments later they touched down and Harima climbs down from Sarin's back. She takes a moment to stand in front of Sarin, her hand touching the side of her beak, "Thank you my friend, you've always been there for me. Go eat and refresh, I will see you in a bit. We've been apart far too long." Sarin snuggles to Harima's caress and then moves off to a shaded corner of the garden and lays down, preening herself. Harima smiles and makes her way to the entrance of the house.


When she reaches the front door it opens before she has a chance to knock and a female Nightborne

servant bows to her. "My Lady, we welcome you," she speaks and gives a gesture for her to enter. "The Lady Thalyssra asked me to tell you that she regrets that she is not here at this time to see you; she is away on matters of her people here and abroad. Our home is yours and you are welcome to stay as long as you like." She pauses, "If you wish, I will take you to your room so you may freshen up." Harima thanks her and follows her to the same guest room she had been in not a week ago, and she smiles at the memory. "I will have some food and refreshment brought up to you if you would like." "Thank you, – that would be lovely." The servant woman bows and leaves. Harima makes her way to the washroom and washes her face from the flight, and from the rest. It helped a little.


When she walks back out she stops dead. "Ah, there you are, I trust your flight here was calming?" Matthias

Shaw spoke from the chair near the window. He smiled up at her and motioned to the other chair across from him. Harima shakes her head and sits down, "Hardly calming." She looks across at him and he smiles gently at her. This behavior is more like the old Shaw. "What is going on Shaw? I'm not used to being treated in that fashion." Shaw speaks with a much more serious tone, "You played the part well back at the Lounge. You had to know we were being watched there." Slowly Harima nods, "It occurred to me after you left, there were a great deal of humans in the Lounge tonight; I should have realized they were all agents. Your meeting?" "Ha! – that meeting lasted all of five minutes as I knew it would. I called the meeting as soon as I found out you were in Dalaran again. It was long enough to make them believe and see what I wanted them to see, that I was indeed going to a meeting with the Legionfall Council." Harima furrows her brow, "I don't understand, why are you being followed, why the intrigues? What the hell is going on? Who is the Marcus who took your place in SI-7?" Shaw sat back in his chair and thought for a long moment in silence, finally he spoke in a soft voice, "I'm being followed because they want to make sure that I am not out here causing trouble for back home. They want to make sure that I am sticking to the story that I told you back at the Lounge. Whatever is going on back home, they want me out of it, so the truth is, I really don't know what the hell is going on. They are cutting me out of it probably because they know I would do whatever I could to stop it from happening."


Harima listens in quiet surprise and contemplation, "So who is this Marcus? How does he have so much

influence with the King?" Shaw briefly looks for a moment to be sad or severely disappointed in something, "Marcus was a very promising agent. He had a great charisma and a political savvy that was unmatched by any other agent. We placed him as an agent out in the open, working closely among the nobles, making sure that SI-7 and the King always heard of plots and schemes from the noble families. Part of his success also came from the fact that he was nobly born. Recently however, he seems to be angrier, more off balance. I didn't see it until it was too late. He was angry about something, something had happened. Before I knew it he had used all of his political acumen to manipulate the courts to his own ends, including getting rid of me and having himself put into the position of leadership of the SI-7." Harima nods slowly, "It would seem that this man is now our enemy. If we go to the King with this information --" Shaw interrupts, "Be careful with what you say, we do not know what his plans are, what his endgame is. If you go to the King without absolute proof, much more than what we have now, we would only end up on the executioner's block at best." "Then we find out what he is up to, and we deal with him then."


"I am glad that you have come to this conclusion, but you will have to do this without me, I am being

closely watched, remember. I cannot act, not without giving you away. It is actually in fact best for me to truly focus on the tasks of The Uncrowned; it will keep their suspicions on me down and will allow you to move freely to do what you need to do." 


Harima stands and walks over to the window looking out over the gardens. "Harima, I must go," Shaw  

spoke from her shoulder, placing a hand on it. "You must handle this with great delicacy, one false step and the entire Alliance could crumble. My advice to you, make a friend of him, get him to take you into his confidences. He will want you close anyway; you already have a strong pull with the King, if he thinks he can trust you, he will use your influence with the King to meet his own ends." His hand leaves her shoulder and he steps back into the shadows and is gone.


Harima stands at the window looking out, but not seeing anything, lost in thought. Make friends with him?

I have done more difficult things. Yet just one mistake and it all ends, it all ends in fire for the Alliance. Shaw is right. This must be done delicately, and I think I know just where to start.



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