Old School Raids
We are a casual-raiding guild. We offer a variety of events to support our guild interest and progression. Whether you enjoy Old School or Progressive Raiding, we have a raid schedule designed to meet your personal progression interests. The objective of any guild event and/or raid is to never place blame, learn the fights, be "casual", and have fun. We accomplish these objectives because we respect each other and our raiding expectations.
Before signing-up for any event, please read guild expectations and raiding expectations to familiarize yourself with our policies in regard to guild etiquette, ranking, and raid loot rules.
All raids listed below are organized according to expansion, beginning with Classic, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. Old School Raids are defined as any raid belonging to earlier expansions. Old School Raids are scheduled based on guild interest, and our Progression Raids are scheduled on Friday and Saturday. The information below details the expectations for each raid.
Old School Raids: Classic, BC, WoTK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA & SL
Completing expansion raid content, normal and heroic, is important to our guild. Therefore, this event offers the opportunity to return to the beloved content of Classic, BC & WotLK to either finish outstanding content and achievements, or to simply embark on a nostalgic retreat. These raids also offer a great opportunity to those seeking legendary or rare achievements and gear.
Classic, Burning Crusades & Wrath of the Lich King Requirements
Normal & Heroic Cataclysm (level 85) Requirements
Item level 342+ for Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent & Throne of Four Winds
Item level 360+ for Firelands & Dragon Soul
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Mists of Pandaria (level 90) Requirements
Item level 460+ for Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring & Throne of Thunder
Item level 520+ for Siege of Orgrimmar
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Warlords of Draenor (level 100) Requirements
Item level 630+ & 15K+ dps/hps for Highmaul
Item level 675+ & 22K+ dps/hps for Blackrock Foundry
Item level 685+ & 35K+ dps/hps for Hellfire Citadel (upper tier ilevel 700+ & 45K+ dps/hps)
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Legion (level 110) Requirements
Item level 850+ & 250K+ dps/hps for Emerald Nightmare
Item level 850+ & 250K+ dps/hps for Trial of Valour
Item level 860+ & 300K+ dps/hps for Nighthold
Item level 900+ & 550K+ dps/hps for Tomb of Sargeras
Item level 930+ & 1 MILL+ dps/hps for Antorus, the Burning Throne
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Battle for Azeroth (level 120) Requirements
Item level 355+ & 10K+ dps/hps for Uldir
Item level 380+ & 15K+ dps/hps for Battle of Dazar'alor
Item level 380+ & 15K+ dps/hps for Crucible of Storms
Item level 410+ & 25K+ dps/hps for Eternal Palace
Item level 410+ & 40K+ dps/hps for Ny'alotha
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Shadowlands (level 60) Requirements
Item level 185+ & 3K+ dps/hps for Castle Nathria
Item level 250+ & 4K+ dps/hps for Sanctum of Domination
Item level 270+ & 6K+ dps/hps for Sepulcher of the First Ones
Properly gemmed and enchanted
Normal & Heroic Dragonflight (level 70) Requirements
Item level 390+ & 40K+ dps/hps for Vaults of the Incarnates
Item level 430+ & 60K+ dps/hps for Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Item level 470+ & 120K+ dps/hps for Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Normal & Heroic The War Within (level 80) Requirements
Item level 590+ & 600K+ dps/hps for Nerub-ar Palace
Old School Raids are scheduled based on guild interest and need, so contact any Officer to express your interest.
Additional Requirements for All Raid Events
Required addons: DBM and GTFO and WeakAuras and dps/hps meter
Read and accept our Guild Expectations and Raiding Expectations
Be polite, punctual and prepared with flasks, food; and research the fights
Watch our raid-readiness video -- click here
Must have Discord -- link provided in-game