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General Raiding Expectations



Our raiding philosophy seeks to combine reasonable raiding expectations with a casual approach. We are a casual-raiding guild that respects each other and our raiding requirements.



  • Officers be prepared and punctual for your own events and others

  • if you have "signed-up" or "accepted" an invite, please be punctual; otherwise, you risk losing your spot

  • research the fights

  • bring personals, food and flasks

  • be respectful and supportive to each other

  • no swearing; or vulgar, derogatory, sexist, religious or political comments

  • have fun, without the silliness

  • we ask our raiders to honor the commitment we have for each other -- respect each other; play to the best of our ability; be willing to improve; and review video/combat logs to reflect upon our strategies and performance

  • we ask our raiders to play their "Main" toon until AoTC has been achieved

  • do not loot-lock yourself

  • raiders are permitted to choose a different "Main" once we begin a new raid

  • once AoTC has been achieved, raiders are allowed to bring other toons. However, please be aware, even after earning AoTC, it may be necessary to switch to our "Mains" for bosses that still remain challenging

  • some events require gear ilevels, with enchants and gems; these requirements are not meant to discriminate, but rather necessary to promote the success of the group

  • we are "casual", but there is an agenda that respects people's time. If we wipe, be courteous -- release, regroup, rebuff as quickly as possible

  • obey the loot rules and the instructions of the Raid Leader

  • new strategies are always welcome, politely and appropriately suggested

  • keep Discord clear and open for raid instructions; no unnecessary or off-topic chatter during encounters

  • watch our raid-readiness video -- click here


Loot Rules

  • with the launch of Dragonflight, the loot system is now Group Loot. We always strive to ensure loot distribution is consistent, transparent and objective. We hope to maintain these standards, while working within the Group Loot system. The algorithm for Blizzard's loot system is: NEED > TRANSMOG > GREED > PASS. Additionally, according to Blizzard's in-game loot algorithm, armor-specific classes will be prioritized when rolling for transmog. For example, if a plate helm drops, and a pally and priest both roll transmog, the pally will win the transmog roll. Also please note -- despite our best efforts to establish effective and infallible loot rules, unforeseen loot circumstances may occur, and we will navigate these instances as they arise, and as fairly as possible

  • OUR LOOT RULES are as follows:
    • only guild members are eligible to "NEED" roll on items (gear, recipes, pets, toys, mounts etc)
    • guests are not eligible to "NEED" roll. We kindly ask them to "TRANSMOG" or "GREED" roll on items
    • guild members are allowed 2 MAIN SPEC NEED WINS (the toon in attendance must be a guild member). If the item is an upgrade for your MAIN SPEC, then "NEED" roll on the item
    • after a guild member has won 2 MAIN SPEC NEED rolls, they either "TRANSMOG", "GREED" or "PASS", depending on their interest
    • this means, folks will be using the "TRANSMOG" or "GREED" roll: 1) if they are ineligible to "NEED" roll, 2) have already won their 2 MAIN SPEC NEED rolls, 3) or want the item for transmog
    • we no longer have an "OFFSPEC" roll. If you want the item for offspec, then you take your chances with the "TRANSMOG" or "GREED" roll. Our loot rules are designed to prioritize our MAIN SPEC roles 
    • if the item is a large upgrade for said person, and they lose to someone whose interest is transmog, then we encourage folks to speak-up. It is always at the discretion of the person who won the item, but there are lots of instances where folks have selflessly surrendered the item, for a bigger upgrade to someone else (provided they are next to receive the item, according to the loot window and roll numbers)  
    • guild members and guests have unlimited "TRANSMOG" and "GREED" wins​


    • the role you attended raid for dictates your MAIN SPEC NEED roll. However, if you are asked to switch specs during raid (due to the current needs of the raid team), then you will choose and announce which spec you will be "NEED" rolling on to promote transparency

    • in the event someone mis-clicks on an item, it can be easily resolved with either: 1) the opportunity to "/roll" in raid chat if they intended to "NEED" roll; or return the item to an Officer for it to be manually rolled-off in raid chat

    • in the event an item needs to be manually rolled-off for "TRANSMOG", we will proceed in keeping with Blizzard's in-game loot algorithm for transmog. Armor-specific classes will have priority. Highest armor-specific roll will win the item 

    • BoEs are considered personal loot. You may keep or donate the item to an Officer to be rolled-off. The roll-order for a donated BoE item is: NEED MAIN SPEC > TRANSMOG > ALTS. If you win a BoE for your MAIN, we kindly ask you to equip the item; and this win counts toward your 2 MAIN SPEC WINS

    • no secret trading; it is unfair to the team, invites favoritism and loot drama

    • guild members with the corresponding profession (on your current toon) may "NEED" roll on crafted recipes, and DOES NOT count against your 2 MAIN SPEC NEED WINS. If you want the recipe for an Alt, then "GREED" roll

    • pets, toys, mounts etc. are considered separate items, and DO NOT count against your 2 MAIN SPEC NEED WINS. "NEED" roll if you want the item

    • there is no limit restriction for recipes, pets, toys, mounts etc. Guild members have unlimited wins

    • loot rules do not carry-over for continuation runs; they are reset for each raid evening; and loot rules are reset when we transition from Normal to Heroic, within the same raiding evening





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