The War Within Raids
Raid Requirements
In the interest to promote everyone’s enjoyment, the success of the event and CRD's raid progression, the following requirements are expected. We ask our raid members to honor the responsibility of being a raid member. Everyone plays an important role -- everyone matters! Being a part of a team means making a commitment to not only yourself, but to others; and to honor this commitment means to comply with our guild expectations, know our loot rules, arrive on time, play to the best of our ability, research the fights, review our fights, and make improvements where necessary. Establishing reasonable expectations are important because they motivate us to meet standards, and these standards also unite us as a community working towards the same goal -- defeating bosses! These requirements are not meant to discriminate, but rather necessary to promote the success of the group.
Starting Friday & Saturday, March 7th & 8th
Launch Week 1 -- Normal Progression:
Friday, March 7th -- fresh run
Saturday, March 8th -- continuation
Week 2 -- Normal Progression:
Friday, March 14th -- fresh run
Saturday, March 15th -- continuation
Then Week 3 -- Normal & Heroic Progression:
Friday, March 21st continues with Normal Progression
Saturday, March 22nd begins Heroic Progression
Friday, March 21st:
Normal Progression continues with Officer Vadailla
Day: Friday
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 pm server
ilvl 620+ & dps/hps 1 MILL+
reasonably gemmed and enchanted
research the fights
updated addons
personal consumables
If interested, contact Officer Vadailla
Starting Saturday, March 22nd:
Heroic Progression with Officer Perseffonee
Day: Saturday
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 pm server
ilvl 635+ & dps/hps 1.15+ MILL
raider.io 1000+
Folks will be "confirmed" on Saturday's in-game calendar if their output during Friday's raid meets Saturday's requirements. Friday's raid will continue as Normal progression AND the gateway into Saturday's Heroic progression.
properly gemmed and enchanted
research the fights
updated addons
personal consumables
If interested, contact Officer Perseffonee
Starting Wednesday, March 5th:
LFR with Officer Perseffonee
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 pm server
item level TBA
If interested, contact Officer Perseffonee
Additional Requirements for All Raid Events
Required addons: DBM and GTFO and WeakAuras and dps/hps meter
Read and accept our Guild Expectations and Raiding Expectations
Be polite, punctual and prepared with flasks, food; and research the fights
Watch our raid-readiness video -- click here
Must have Discord -- link provided in-game
Raid composition accommodates 10-30 players, which allows us to be as inclusive as possible. If you wish to raid current content with us, please respect the expectations and be punctual; otherwise, you risk losing your spot. If you are interested contact any Officer in-game or sign-up on the in-game calendar.
Need Help Meeting the Raid Requirements?
Ask an Officer, we are here to help!
Group up with your guildies and attend our several Guild Events to support raid-readiness:
Need enchants/gems -- ask your guildies
Need help with your rotation -- ask your guildies; there is a wealth of experience here
Consult the WoW Community Quick Links located on our Homepage; Noxxic and Icy Veins are great resources for class and spec rotations!
Raid progression is a team effort. "We are only as good as our team." Let's help each other.