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Raid Progression Videos and Combat Logs


The purpose of our raid progression videos and combat logs are to use them as teaching tools -- and sometimes they are entertaining. But seriously, they allow us to revisit our strategies and reflect upon ways to improve. We do not use these videos/logs for any punitive purpose. We do, however, ask our raid members to honor the responsibility of being a raid member. Everyone plays an important role -- everyone matters! Being a part of a team means making a commitment to not only yourself, but to others; and to honor this commitment means to arrive on-time, play to the best of our ability, research the fights, review our fights, and make improvements where necessary. Establishing reasonable expectations are important because they motivate us to meet standards, and these standards also unite us as a community working towards the same goal -- defeating bosses!

To view all raid progression videos please checkout Perseffonee's CRD YouTube channel.


Click here to view our raid progression combat logs.


Recent Videos

Liberation of Undermine

Liberation of Undermine

Liberation of Undermine
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First Raid Night in Liberation of Undermine Prog: 4/8 Normal!
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First Raid Night in Liberation of Undermine Prog: 4/8 Normal!

To view ALL raid progression videos please checkout our YouTube channel.


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