The Success Of A Guild
The success of a guild is a communal responsibility that begins with loyal members who respect each other. Whether it be questing, farming mats, supporting low-level guild members, donating to the guild bank, spreading friendly cheer and enthusiasm, accomplishing weekly guild challenges, earning guild achievements, crafting items, being a reliable member to one of our raid or PvP teams, organizing the guild bank, scheduling a variety of guild events, enforcing guild rules and expectations, investing and devoting time into our website, or a member who plays a little or a lot, every member, all in different capacities, participates in the health and progression of the guild. Therefore, we ask new recruits to respect our guild expectations and make a positive contribution. If you do so, you will advance in rank. It is important all members review our website and become familiar with what we offer and expect.
What Does Our Guild Offer?
a mature, supportive and respectful environment
an active guild
for the "casual" player, a no-fault community; a place to level and learn
for the more "serious" player, we have an event calendar designed to meet a variety of interests
to quote a former and beloved Officer, Celyndrashad, "We are the most hard-core, casual guild."
8 guild bank tabs: access depends on your guild rank
Discord -- link provided in-game
this website
a Facebook page; search for "Casual Raid Days!" and send a request
a Casual Raid Days guild on Classic too
Are You A New Member?
Are you a new member? Ask any Officer and we'll be glad to discuss with you all that CRD has
to offer!
Pay It Forward
Crafted equipment, enchants and gems, provided you have the mats, are offered free to guild members. Pay these gestures forward and be a
positive contributor to the guild. Do not be a taker. Be mindful of your withdrawals from the bank and ensure all requests of others are reasonable, appreciated and returned.
Guild Member of the Month
Guild Member of the Month is awarded to someone who is:
contributing to the health and progression of the guild
"paying it forward" to others
a loyal, positive and supportive member
The guild member of the month is determined by anonymous vote from the people. Anyone
can be nominated. At the end of each month, the votes will be tabulated and a winner will be
declared. The winner receives an in-game prize, and is invited to attend one Officer meeting,
where he/she will have the opportunity to share ideas, comments and/or speak on behalf of the guild.
Return to homepage to submit your vote for this month.

Member of the Month: